2022-04 【正课】or/ore/our/oor/oar 双语讲解 1451 2022-04 【正课】aw/al/augh/ough 双语讲解 1575 2022-04 【正课】The Gale (1) 双语讲解 2151 2022-05 【磨耳朵】The Gale (1) 绘本有声剧 1756 2022-05 【正课】The Gale (2) 双语讲解 ...
生辰矫正课程 by:易学研究社YiXue12213 1万 希赛CSPM-3正课精讲 by:希赛网 6738 jt叔叔2017年3月正课 by:源氏神木_ 31.2万 暴虐听力【正课音频】 by:跟着我一起学英语 290 给久坐者的12堂体态纠正课 by:湛庐阅读 2307 OEC - 英文发音纠正课程
您好呀!亲[鲜花]!"our"的同音词有Hour、Oar。- Hour:这个单词表示一个小时的时间。例如,“I have an appointment in an hour.”- Oar:这个单词指的是划船时用来划动船的桨。例如,“We need to use the oars to move the boat.”- Ore:这个单词表示矿石或者矿物质。例如,“The mine ...
ar, or, er, ir, ur ore, oor (more; door, floor) wa, war, wor -all, -oll, -ull -ing -ed simple multisyllabic words could, would, should Level 5 ai, ay ee, ea, ey (as inkey) oa, ow igh, ie (as inpie) ue, ew (blue, few) ...
年份:2020 首播时间:20200208 语言/字幕:汉语 更新时间:20200208 简介:家家英语上传的教育视频:组合our,粉丝数3646,作品数2449,在线观看,视频简介:学英语自然拼读组合,共有240多个组合,元音和辅音字母组合,还有前缀、词根和后缀,并配字母组合例词3000多个。
ar er ir or ur are ere ire ore ure ai/ay air al au/aw ea ear ee eer ei/ey eu/ew ie oa oar/oor oi/oy oo ou/ow our uich ck dge dr ds gh gu kn mn ng ph qu sh tch th tr ts wh wr答案 这些字母的组合发音要放在单词里面才知道音标是什么而且在不同...
T hey can also enj oy erciting activities .About th e 2012Course T his cours e is designed for boys and girls fr om 10-16years and provides a wonderful chan c e to erperienc e lif e in a traditional British b oarding school.English Lessons Ore"programm e provides 24hours of ...
For all of you who are offended by my grammar oar my spellin’ ore take fun in pointing it out, this one is for you. Let that one marinate!😊 Best wishes to all my US readers, have a happy, fun, and safe holiday!! Posted inArchives ...
2 6/ l c , b t e ffi Preporeclbv Franki Poon & Bdan p.nq \fi E.Vl in Swrrching Power Supplr vww. eee.hku. hUpower elect rcni6 lab/ Assuming input and output cableare the same and the receiving antenna is 10m away Y,, ttsN nF Linit =:=2:5-:4-lEut-i.,, , no L...
834 绘本or故事 by:未来可期YUE 867 事业or工作 by:久斤JEWGENE 508 Friend or Foe by:草原上的小木屋 690 天堂or地狱 by:轻韵幽兰 5356 Yes or No by:卓尔羊 245 Swim Or Drown by:嘻哈有态度 434 CTE Or Nothing by:嘻哈有态度 551 Love Or Hate, Real Or Fake-Lucky Luch by:嘻哈有态度 ...