我们建立基督教社区。学校于 1926 年 8 月 29 日受到大主教蒂莫西·凯西的庄严祝福,并于同年 9 月 7 日开学,当时有 92 名学生。1963年有385名儿童入学。 哈利法克斯慈善修女会在悲伤圣母教区教育了几代儿童,从 1927 年开始在学校任教,直到他们于 1982 年离开教区,并从 1953 年开始在圣母地区高中开始教学。
Visit Our Lady of Sorrows Academy Website Read more about Visit Our Lady of Sorrows Academy Website Donate to the Chapel One Time or Recurring > St. Jude Home Tournament Scores Learn More: The Background Info: Our main focus is the priesthood, and its greatest treasure: the Holy Sacrifice...
藝術|「Our Lady of Sorrows」·聖母苦像 「Our Lady of Sorrows」是富有歷史和精神意義的天主教聖像,也被稱為「聖母流淚」或「悲傷的聖母瑪利亞」。雕像描繪了瑪利亞母親哀傷地站在十字架下,面對著自己的兒子被釘在十字架上的景象,象徵著她為世界上的罪惡和苦難所痛苦的心情。據傳,第一座「Our Lady of Sorro...
网络释义 1. 圣母痛苦 后一篇:圣母痛苦(Our Lady of Sorrows)< 前一篇修和之母 后一篇 >圣母痛苦(Our Lady of Sorrows) 祈祷的目的和效 … blog.sina.com.cn|基于7个网页 2. 痛苦圣母 罗马教会通用礼仪日历及香港教区... ... 9月15日痛苦圣母(纪念)Our Lady of Sorrows圣西彼廉(纪念) St. Cornelius...
Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic School will be a place where our children learn to let their light shine to make the world a better place. Mission Statement OLS provides a Christ-centered Catholic education for students of all faiths. Together, we will foster each student’s path to heaven, ...
The mission of Our Lady of Sorrows Parish is to proclaim the Good News to all the world and to Baptize in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
Our Lady of Sorrows.(POETRY)(Poem)(Brief article)Dulude, Laura