Welcome to Our Lady of Peace Parish – Calgary Maronite Catholic Church Our Lady of Peace was established to serve the Maronite Christian community of Calgary. We are a Christ-centered community, building a healthy congregation, committed to serving the spiritual needs of all Christian sects in ...
Our Lady of Lourdes 50th Anniversary Mass Parish Impact Group Hunger Cloths with St. Gabriel’s RE Ambassadors Commissioning of the GIFT Team Pentecost Stations of the Cross with St. Gabriel’s Ash Wednesday Mass Our Lady of Lourdes Feast Day Mass Advent Prayer and Litugies Brandlesholme Schools...
Guide through the Shrine of the Queen of Peace Medjugorje- Basic information covering the Parish, Our Lady's Apparitions, St. James Church, The Exterior Altar, Apparition Hill Crnica (place Podbrdo), Cross Mountain (Krizevac), Prayer Area Around the Parish Church, Different services, Institutio...
Fr. Greg will celebrate Ash Wednesday at 9:00 am at Our Lady of Victory church and a 7:00 pm at St. Aloysius. How will we mark our 40-day trek to Easter? The traditional Lenten practices of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving are aiming to get us in shape for Easter. ...
Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Women's League is hosting the World Day of Prayer 2025. The theme is, "I Made YOU Wonderful". Please join us Friday March 7, 3pm for prayer and fellowship. When we pray together, we make a difference! A warm welcome awaits you... ...
Our Lady of Grace and St. Joseph, two of the most deeply-rooted and oldest Roman Catholic churches in the United States.public $MetaDesc =
Welcome to Our Lady of Mercy Parish! We are so happy to have you join our parish family and we look forward to you participating with us in all phases of Stewardship – Prayer, Ministry, and Finance. Below you will find helpful resources as a new parishioner. We are truly blessed to ha...
through prayer, education and service to others in communion with our Savior Jesus Christ. MASS TIMES SACRAMENTof Tue: 8:15 am – Blessed Sacrament Wed: 8:15 am – Our Lady Queen of Peace Thur: 8:15 am – Our Lady Queen of Peace ...
During the troubled years of World War I, Pope Benedict XV added Our Lady of Peace to the Litany of Loreto, a sacred prayer in liturgy.Manila Bulletin
Our Lady told her: "Your deafness will be healed” Note that Sister Agnes could hear her in this first message, as well as in the two subsequent ones, in spite of her deafness! In this first message, Our Lady asked Sister Agnes to pray this prayer composed by John Ito, the Bishop of...