As Jesus comes up out of the water, the heavens open and the Spirit of God descends on Jesus in the form of a dove, and the voice of God is heard saying, “You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.” This is the only place in the Bible where Father, Son and...
We are nowhere told in Scripture, nor do we find any examples, of living men or women praying to anyone other than God and being heard. No one prays to Moses, or Elijah, or Enoch. No one prayed to Isaiah, David, or John the Baptist. When the disciples asked Jesus to tell them how...
“All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:16) [“Inspired” means literally “God-breathed.” Every word comes from God...
HEREis Psalm 127 from Corner Room Music. From their Facebook page: “Memorizing and meditating on Scripture is of the utmost importance in the life of the Christian. The Corner Room, created by Adam Wright of Cahaba Park Church in Birmingham, AL, exists to set God’s Word to music that ...
We hear that her Joseph was sleeping when the angel appeared to him … Scripture just doesn’t tell us about Mary. But you can see the pattern with me, can’t you? It seems she was most likely doing what she did every day.Living her ordinary life.Only, God didn’t find it so ...
Frankly, a significant problem for many people with disabilities, sometimes even greater than their disability, is in how they are treated in the world, and our churches too often reflect this worldly thinking. Yes, disability is real – not being able to walk, see, hear, talk or process ...
Scripture Reference:The psalmist said”Gracious is the Lord and righteous; yea, our God is merciful. The Lord preserveth the simple: I was brought low and the Lord helped me. Return unto thy rest, O my soul; for the Lord hath dealt bountifully with thee. For thou hast delivered my sou...
Through the power of the Holy Spirit, believers are saved, filled, sealed, and sanctified. The Holy Spirit reveals God’s thoughts, teaches, and guides believers into all truth, including knowledge of what is to come. The Holy Spirit also helps Christian
It is time to take a closer look at all this during our own Lenten War!Article #1 : War in Holy Scripture and PropheciesArticle #2 : How God Uses WarArticle #3 : God is not Against Killing His Beloved People by WarArticle #4 : Two Centuries and Three World Warsclick on the ...
Scripture is clear that believers should not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. So how could a deeply immoral man—a drunkard—be drawn to and ultimately united with a devoted Christian? However, one lesson I have learned prior to this time is that no matter how much we think we understan...