30. Beloved there is now set before us life, and good, death and evil in that we are Commanded this day to love the Lord our God, and to love one another, to walk in his ways and to keep his Commandements and his Ordinance, and his laws, and the Articles of our Covenant with hi...
I decided I would let my nemesis melt away, in a slow and agonizing death not unlike the Wicked Witch of the West. Slowly over time it got smaller and smaller, until a few weeks ago. Have you ever seen the Harry Potter movie – I’m not sure which one, frankly – when Voldemort ...
One of the hard things to deal with emotionally when you get older, is that calls you get about a death among family or friends, more likely concerns a friend or relative who is near your age, rather than a friend of your folks or a parent of one of your friends. It has been a ...
If there was a famine, a complete crisis where people were actually starving to death, then why did all these people jumping around on the tops of cars, chanting in the streets, waving guns and Hamas flags for the cameras…why did everyone look so well fed? How could they have that muc...
According to an article from the Happiness International Organization, being happy means being contented and satisfied with what you have. The true meaning of happiness comes when you find beauty in everything you possess. When you’re happy, your brain is fueled withpositivity.And when you have...
Founded by Chicagoans Mike and Mariann Stanton after the Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP) of their son Danny just before his fifth birthday, the Danny Did Foundation is dedicated in its mission to prevent deaths caused by seizures. The name of the foundation comes from the last line...
(or Sarah Palin boogeyman “death panel”) evaluates your claim, nothing. Your medical records are a confidential matter for you and your doctor. Nobody else. If you’re required to be admitted to hospital overnight or longer, you might pay extra (on a willing basis, it’s not mandatory...