Our Daily Bread: Directed by Christian Murray. With Richard Donat, Faith Ward, Mary Walsh, Walter Borden.
Byline: By ROBIN TURNER AND PAUL CAREY Western MailMore than three-quarters of the average Welsh worker's pay is already earmarked for bills and living costs before it even hits their bank account, research showed yesterday. The average person earns pounds 1,389 in take-home pay each month...
Show it. …Avoid thinking, “I’ve ALREADY said thank you.”Because, when we have such a mindset, we are basically saying, “I’ve said my thanks once. Isn’t that enough? Why should I express my thanks any more than that?” Such a mindset shows how we poorly appreciate the ...
“If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me. For those who want to save their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake will save it. What does it profit them if they gain the whole world, but lose...
Over the years I have met bread bakers. Most occosaional. Yet, those that do it each week have satisfaction and joy. Tips for great bread… Add an egg, a bit of plain Greek yogurt, and honey. a 1/3 cup of unbleached self rising flour so you get a natural bread not so dense. ...
The weather was a bit grey so apart from a daily walk on the beach we were happy to stay inside the rather gorgeous house we’d rented and as we had all bought food and wine we didn’t even need to go out! MUCH chatting, laughing, face and foot masks, swapping of stories and ...
far from the halls of the power propped up in Jerusalem. Maybe not quite as concerned about following the prescribed religion as being sure their families got their daily bread. It’s ones such astheseJesus tells to follow as he goes about remaking the world – bringing light all throughout...
Instead of keeping the radio, TV and phones off, the citizens were instructed to have them on. If there was an attack in their area, the alert would sound so people could take cover. There was no programming, only a “silent wave “ when a missile launch had been detected for that ...
Cast your bread upon the waters and it will return to you” as the wisdom goes –– so I still want to do good things and help make an organization healthy and successful. I have a lot to contribute!! All of this probably started from people being fearful – and fighting people’s ...
Our menus were being distributed as the naan bread arrived light, crisp and hot, fresh out of the Tandoori oven. Naan is formed from a yeasted dough made with yoghurt, delivering a slight smoky flavor derived from being slapped directly to the sides of the oven. The delightfully crisp...