018 How a new species of ancestors is changing our theory of human evolution Ju 11:24 017 Finally! Get TED Talks recommended just for you 00:21 016 Embrace your raw strange magic Casey Gerald 17:05 015 Creative ways to get kids to thrive in school Olympia Della Flora 13:24 014 ...
It was our distant ape ancestors who perfected the process, and that is how we acquired our unconditionally selfless, fully altruistic, instinctive self or ‘soul’, the ‘voice’ of which is our moral ‘conscience’. In light of this, we can now also understand why and when we began to...
et al, Nias Tribal Treasures: Cosmic Reflections in Stone, Wood and Gold, Volkenkundig Museum Nusantara, Delft, 1990. Feldman, J.A., Arc of the Ancestors: Indonesian Art from the Jerome L. Joss Collection at UCLA, Fowler Museum of Cultural History, 1994. Fernando-Amilbangsa, L., Visual...
The Love that rules the stars will now have to be seen as embracing two hundred billion galaxies, a cosmic epic of fourteen billion years’ duration, and perhaps even a multiverse. Our thoughts about Christ and redemption will have to extend over the full breadth of cosmic time and space. ...
simple logic for many has implied that strong survival instincts based on fear responses must have arisen in our ancestors—not by chance, but in a Lamarckian manner which were then passed on to their progeny. A recent report by Dias and Ressler (2014) bears directly on how instinctual respo...
They are masters of disguise. The Bible says that entities who work through Witches, Mediums, Ghost Hunters, etc, are called ‘familiar spirits’. They are psychic and veryfamiliarwith how all your ancestors looked and spoke, as they were on the earth at the same time. Thus, these entitie...
I AM One with White Eagle the Indigenous Elder of our Ancestors who is holding the sacred space for the Healing of Humanity’s ancestral lineage and the Elemental Kingdom. I AM One with the Cosmic Being Hilarion who is the Keeper of the Emerald Green and Violet Flame of Healing Through th...
“cultural body” that perpetuates itself from generation to generation through orally transmitted stories—we could attribute to him characteristics of his ancestors, as reported by Sérgio Buarque de Holanda in his 1936 bookRaízes do Brasil(Roots of Brazil): “Extremely versatile, they were ...
He is a tribute to the determination to live in freedom that our ancestors fought so hard to achieve and preserve. We are indebted to him for his strength and perseverance. Share this: Twitter Facebook Loading... Posted in Uncategorized | 2 Replies Joe, the Plumber – Why Should He?
Our earliest pre-human ancestors seem to have lived near the equator where seasonal temperature differences are small. Without supplemental heating or cooling, humans living in many places in the world today would have a difficult time following the way of nature because of weather conditions. As...