This calculator provides conversion of fluid ounces to cups and backwards (c to fl oz).Enter fluid ounces or cups for conversion: Select conversion type: Rounding options:Conversion Table fluid ounce to cups Conversion Table: fl oz to c 1.0 = 0.125 2.0 = 0.250 3.0 = 0.375 4.0 = 0.5 ...
Milliliters to Pounds & Ounces Conversion CalculatorEnter the volume in milliliters below to calculate the weight in pounds. Ingredient: Milliliter Value: SWAP UNITS Result in Pounds: 1 mL = 0.002204622622 lb1 mL = 0 lb 0.035273961952 oz Do you want to convert pounds to milliliters?
8 oz to ml Here’s a conversion chart for figuring out how many ml in 8 oz, plus other measurement conversions (calculator not required!): Ounces (fl oz)Milliliters (mL) 1 oz 29.5735 2 oz 59.1471 3 oz 88.7206 4 oz 118.294 5 oz 147.868 6 oz 177.441 7 oz 207.015 8 ...
This calculator provides conversion of fluid ounces to teaspoons and backwards (tsp to fl oz).Enter fluid ounces or teaspoons for conversion: Select conversion type: Rounding options:Conversion Table fluid ounce to teaspoons Conversion Table: fl oz to tsp 1.0 = 6 2.0 = 12 3.0 = 18 4.0 = ...
This calculator provides conversion of fluid ounces to quarts and backwards (qt to fl oz).Enter fluid ounces or quarts for conversion: Select conversion type: Rounding options:Conversion Table fluid ounce to quarts Conversion Table: fl oz to qt 1.0 = 0.03125 2.0 = 0.06250 3.0 = 0.09375 4.0...
This calculator provides conversion of cups to fluid ounces (c to fl oz) and backwards.Enter cups or fluid ounces for conversion: Select conversion type: Rounding options:Conversion Table cup to fluid ounces Conversion Table: c to fl oz 1.0 = 8 2.0 = 16 3.0 = 24 4.0 = 32 5.0 = 40...
This calculator provides conversion of fluid ounces to tablespoons and backwards (tbsp to fl oz).Enter fluid ounces or tablespoons for conversion: Select conversion type: Rounding options:Conversion Table fluid ounce to tablespoons Conversion Table: fl oz to tbsp 1.0 = 2 2.0 = 4 3.0 = 6 4.0...