This set of 3rd grade spelling worksheets focusses on words with the -ow and -ou pattern. Word find, missing letters, writing sentences and more that include -ow and -ou words like cow, bow, how, clown, town, flower, out, mouse, found, proud, count and
音频列表 1 Level 2_unit 1_lesson 3: au, aw 202018-11 2 Level 2_unit 1_lesson 2: ou, ow 222018-11 3 Level 2_unit 1_lesson 1: oy, oi 192018-11 4 Unit 1&2&3 review 172018-11 5 Unit 3 Review 152018-11 6 Unit 3_lesson 15_syllable words 72018-10 7 Unit 3_lesson 14: ...
所属专辑:Second Grade Level2 猜你喜欢 3.8万 Seeds Garden Lesson by:籽妈的菜园子 108 Lesson In Session by:嘻哈有态度 375 Lesson In Session by:嘻哈有态度 9184 One A Lesson 1 by:Abe李 1.3万 Economics in One Lesson by:巴凡 5036
SpringInitial Blends Worksheets– super cute activity for helping kids master blends “nk” Ending ConsonantBlends Activitywith clip cards Graph ablends activities for 2nd graders– fun combination of math and language arts Color by blend worksheet– this is a fun way for kids to practice learning...
所属专辑:拼读second Grade Level 1 猜你喜欢 363 欧阳圣康 (Ou Yang) by:JSJ杰思娱乐 509 法语分级读本(A2) Perceval ou le conte原文对照 by:法语随身听 1.3万 ow1 by:昆明智美汇英语 5933 Ow starter by:昆明智美汇英语 3万 OW Starter by:SLANS思澜探索家 ...
Hooked On phonic分Pre-kindergarden、Kindergarden、Grade 1、Grade 2这四个阶段。Pre-kindergarden学习的是单字母的发音方法(包括单元音长音短音,和单辅音)从Kindergarden开始(我家娃已学过其他phonicsk教程) 预习阶段循环播放完整视频(20天),系统学习时候使用该拆分视频学习,按照课程一次一课。然后复习一天。大约每天...