Short Vowels Mix - aeiou (five videos) - Phonics songs 11:11 Short Vowels aeiou-Phonics Song-1,2,3 Syllable Words 01:54 Long Vowels Song - 'ai-a-e-ay - ee-ea - ie-igh-i-e-y - oa-o-e-ow - ue-u-e-ew” 02:45 Long Vowels Mix - (five videos) - Phonics Songs 13:...
539 法语分级读本(A2) Perceval ou le conte原文对照 by:法语随身听 1.3万 ow1 by:昆明智美汇英语 4159 OW1B by:Luke在XimalayaApp 3万 OW Starter by:SLANS思澜探索家 1.7万 OW-B1 by:潘朵拉得意 1.7万 OW-A2 by:潘朵拉得意 4306 OW1-Workbook by:CBear熊可可 ...
ow 二Listen, choose and write. 2 times. A crow lives in a forest. She likes singing. One day, the crow finds a piece of meat. She is very happy. A fox sees the crow and her meat. The fox wants the meat. He thinks, "How can I get the meat?" Then he has a good idea....
:] course your four [au?] our hour ours [?:] journey ui 在 j l r s 后 [ju:i] fluid suicide tuition [u ] juice fruit suit 七、非重读音节中元音字母组合和字群的读音 元音字母组合或字群读音例词 ai/ay , ei/ey [i] Sunday foreign monkey ow [ou] yellow sparrow tomorrow 元音...
AssessWeeklyTest:Unit5TestReviewandAssess MaintainBuildAutomaticity: Sound/SpellingsPhonics BuildFluency:Sound/Spellings ow DisplaythefollowingWord-BuildingCardsoneat atime:ar,ea,ee,er,ey,i,ie,i_e,igh,ir,o,oa,oar,oe,or,ou ore,ou,ow,u,ur,y.Havechildrenchorallysayeach sound.Mix,repeat,andvary...
Casual ENGLISH Chat: 一起玩「狼人」: 愚民小鎮: GPlusCard 交流群(非官方): IT 之家: Gentoo-zh:
(gg) am aqivw yu In ' uaq1!D'ssW 0 payws sayow s,ouva1 1,uop noh adoy I'aou oys aoum I oS'1ybw luana syy ayn ivd ybnw noh wy(tg) I'paq fo mo au ayom spunos ay I'Piws ays, ' ybiu sayo ay buhivd noh psvay IudoyD hiq oisnw ouvd fo yooq o ynm sayow s,...
(石p'aJowof 'O04 ' 20 'F(I)f'a aunnf ay u upbv asay o6 o1 um I O) busasau u yons usin pmoo I wy hiddvy huan w,I '01 usval I6I) 'du aou sy paholua hinvas Iaum pun afn s,asvadsayvys(热图1)passn! I 'woqyrg asvadsayvys ay aas o2 uam osp I (8I) hunua...
Once you become confident(自信的), you can then playfor larger groups of people.Keep going.5 Kecp learning as much as you can and practice often.Challenge (挑战) yourself to learn more difficut songs as wel.As you learn more, you will get better and better.A. Get ready to learn.B....
Trees can also be very beautiful-tall enoughthey seem to touch the sky and so big around you can't even hug them. Thousands ofartists, professional and amateur alike have painted pictures of trees and thousands ofpoems, songs and stories have been written about them. I would guess that ...