The Otto Cycle thermal efficiency is presented only for the air as the working fluid. The thermal efficiency derivation is presented with a simple mathematical approach. The Otto Cycle is presented in the p - V and T - s diagrams and its major performance trends (thermal efficiency and power...
The working fluid of the Otto cycle is air, therefore it is also a gas cycle. There are four different processes in the Otto cycle, out of which two are adiabatic and two are constant volume processes. The relation between the pressure and temperature for an adiabatic process is g...
The quantum Otto cycle serves as a bridge between the macroscopic world of heat engines and the quantum regime of thermal devices composed from a single element. We compile recent studies of the quantum Otto cycle with a harmonic oscillator as a working
The properties of the limit cycle are described. Methods to optimize the power by controlling the thermalization time are also introduced. At high temperatures, the Novikov–Curzon–Ahlborn efficiency at maximum power is obtained. The sudden limit of the engine which allows finite power at zero ...
We will then argue that the derivation is completely analogous for the expansion adiabat and 𝜏𝐻𝐶τHC. The amount of heat 𝒬𝐻QH extracted during the hot isochore is a linear function of the initial state vector 𝑋 ∞X̲∞ of the limit cycle, and can thus be expressed as ...