长达一周Reading Weak就要来啦! 然而,ZINE君知道有一些小伙伴因为刚到加拿大,连渥村都没有逛遍,不想走得太远、没有车不方便、没有及时约到朋友一起出游等等等等各式各样的原因导致RW无法走得太远,只能滞留渥村。 虽说渥太华没有多伦多的大都市气派,也没有魁北克的历史底蕴。但咱们好歹也是加拿大首都,别的没有,...
马上,属于学生党的Reading week也就要来啦~ 在享受愉快假期的同时,我们又要面临那个熟悉的问题: 在被大雪覆盖的无聊渥村,究竟要去哪里寻找快落??? 那么,就让ZINE君来为大家排忧解难: 无论是做情人节的最后计划,还是长周末的渥村活动选择, 都可以在这篇文章中找到答案。 快叫上小伙伴们,大家约约约约约起来!
The Summer of Pierre will go on without Pierre, at least for a few more seasons, and at the end of the day, that’s both the most complimentary and damning thing one can say about his tenure as GM: at this moment, November 2nd 2023, the Ottawa Senators, top to bottom, are Pierre ...
“The fact is, Canada is different from the rest of the world when it comes to the U.S.” Nearly $3.6 billion worth of services and goods crossed the U.S.-Canada border every day in 2023, according to estimates from the Government of Canada. Freeland noted Canada remains the number ...
The first was Operation Syrian Refugee, during which the government resettled over 26,000 Syrians to Canada within three months, starting in December 2015. The second was the sudden influx of 55,000 irregular migrants entering Canada at the U.S. border, mainly via Roxham Road in Quebec, be...
Photo by U.K. Crown Prosecution Service The social worker then realized the “overwhelming horror” that hers was likely the only human face the child had seen other than her mother’s. As a result of the neglect, doctors found that the 35-month-old’s physical and mental development had...
U.S. border guards recorded 100 encounters with people in the Havre Sector, which includes the Alberta-Montana border, between October 2023 and September of this year. This report by The Canadian Press was first published Nov. 29, 2024....
OTTAWA — Jewish-Canadian groups are voicing concerns after special anti-Islamophobia representative Amira Elghawabymet with Prime Minister Justin Trudeaulast week to urge him to adopt a federal definition of “anti-Palestinian racism.” Critics warn that embracing the concept could end up targeting ...
There was as a photo of her at a 2023 protest in New York carrying a sign reading “Kremlin ≠ Russians.” Or another post in which she stood alone outside the UN headquarters to accuse the Russian delegation within of promoting “war & grief among Slavs.” View this post on Instag...