We provide consulting & training services in Data Analytics & Software Automation. With ingenuity & laser focus, we build Simpler, Quicker & Smarter solutions!
This is not a simple "check the boxes" software. When writing an eval report, you answer questions and it generates full sentences and paragraphs to create a comprehensive report covering every aspect of the child that needs to be evaluated. We provide 100+ assessment scoring charts and ...
To obtain a full refund or exchange of the item within the 30 day return period (subject to the 15% restocking fee) customer must request a return materials authorization (RMA) from GE HealthCare and return the item to GE HealthCare utilizing this RMA number. Items must be returned in ...
domains (pitch/tempo/direction/etc) combined and in realtime and in freeform on them, transitioning between them, intelligently handling aspect ratio, adding ARC embellishments, titling animations, etc - all while maintaining smoothness and stability, and outputting at a full and true 50/60 Hz....
FULL_PATH_NAMES = YES# The STRIP_FROM_PATH tag can be used to strip a user-defined part of the path. # Stripping is only done if one of the specified strings matches the left-hand # part of the path. The tag can be used to show relative paths in the file list. # If left ...
When we say that the design goals of OtsAV dictate the working combination of the three key areas of a low latency output, a perfectly stable output, and full control and manipulation of the media throughput, some may be confused by the latter point. An explanation of the difference between...
Full size image OTS167 synergizes with FLT3 inhibitors inFLT3mutant AML and induces cell death in TKI-resistant primary blasts Because OTS167 reduced FLT3 phosphorylation and protein levels inFLT3mutated cells, we asked whether this small molecule inhibitor might act synergistically with FLT3 inhibitors...
He works in the fashion industry full-time and creates his NFTs on the side. He teamed up with another artist, Kristina Reischl, who goes by issyray, to create art specifically for the NFT marketplace called CRYPTOSQUIDS. He creates the soundtracks, and she works on the animations and 3D...
Fortunately, the first half was buoyant enough to help push full year figures to a 10% rise in deal volume compared to 2010 and a 1% increase in aggregate value. Looking ahead, a drop in valuations due to the present crisis could tip the odds in favour of executing some shelved ...
According to the layout form: it is divided into horizontal conveying, inclined conveying and turning conveying. Equipment Characteristics The roller conveyor is suitable for conveying goods with flat bottom. It is mainly composed of driving roller, frame, support, d...