What happens is fiscal dependence and subsidy as well as central government aid as reflection of Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD) incapability in funding Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Daerah (APBD).Oleh: GribaldiAbstract
The qualitiy of human resources in agribusiness sector is very important in activating district economy in autonomy era today. This is reasonable because most of Indonesian society is in agriculture sector, and part of this society is poor and susceptible poor. Then, in district autonomy today, ...
Percepatan Pengembangan Agroindustri di Era Otonomi Daerah; Suatu Pendekatan Kajian KonsepThis research aims to know the strategy and agroindustry policy movement in district autonomy with literature concept appearance. The strategy are agroindustry movement in district autonomy where the district potency ...
WEWENANG PEMERINTAH KOTA SEMARANG DALAM PELAKSANAAN OTONOMI DAERAH DI BIDANG PENDIDIKAN NON FORMALEnactment of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 32 Year 2004 on Regional Government, the local community should be able to feel the concrete form of increased public services, and public ...
Because of this condition, so the programme of community empowering base on participation is proposed as the participation to increase and develop community for the fastness of development.Oleh: Hardinata Abstract