"Why...?" The remarkably beautiful ringing of these repeating words and our collapsing vows has now been severed zetsubou no mukou e to kimi wa kaeru no ka shijou no ai yukyuu no ho ni kegarenaki mi wo yudane Will you return to the other side of despair?
Pigling Bland who was a sedate little pig, looked solemnly at his mother, a tear trickled down his cheek. Aunt Pettitoes turned to the other—“Now son Alexander take the hand”— “Wee, wee, wee!” giggled Alexander— “Take the hand of your brother Pigling Bland, you must go to...
In words just short of being rude: For it had lost its shape and shine,And it had cost him four-and-nine,And he was going out to dine. “To dine!” she sneered in acid tone.“To bend thy being to a boneClothed in a radiance not its own!” The tear-drop trickled to his ...
No short story of the slightest distinction went for long unrecognised. The sixpenny popular magazines had still to deaden down the conception of what a short story might be to the imaginative limitation of the common reader–and a maximum length of six thousand words. Short stories broke out ...
“Hey, hey, hey, Mr. Hangman, you go get your rope (your rope).” trickled through the speakers with the crowd like a chorus (once the screams settled) for the second song, “You Won’t Know.”“…after a day I got perfectly right,” we all continued.Then, i...
there’s only so much you can do to change other people. You can try. You should try. But the generations who came before me are fucked up in a whole unholy host of ways. Often because of what trickled down from the generations that precededthem —old ways and ideas are...
If I discover some words which I foresee will cause difficulty, I place such on the blackboard and rapidly pronounce and explain them before the reading. Generally, however, I find the text the best interpreter of its words. What follows explains what goes before, if the child is led to ...
In other words, we spent about twice as much for applecare than what repairs would have cost us. Boo! Of course that's a risk you have to weigh. We had no data to go off of at the time, so we err'd on the side of caution and bought the 3yr warranty. Now that we have over...
The pounding rhythms and Beirut-esque instrumental array always lead to a rock-out chorus with Hütz's rebel-leader words. The album is a strange and enticing amalgam of everything, led strongly by Slavic anthems that desperately yearn for dance. ...
changing and destroying lives [16].7 For this reason, I wanted to find out if, among a group of Orthodox Kenyan youth, there was awareness of HIV-AIDS, and whether or not the push to educate people in Africa over the past 20 years had trickled down to affect the lives of these youn...