Scrumptious – Word of the Day Meaning: (adj): Informal (of food); Extremely delicious and delectable. In other words, it can be used to describe a food/ dish in the sense of deliciousness. History: History dates back to 1833, when the word ‘Scrumptious’ was used to describe something...
making itslightly more informal. It’s particularly useful when you have a close working relationship with the recipient or within teams that value personal connections and sharing. While it maintains aprofessionalair, it opens up space for personal dialogue, which can further solidify working relatio...
is not well-formed because the </baz> end tag is not contained within <bar>. In a well-formed document, all elements must be completely contained within their parent elementâ€"they must be properly nested. In other words, both begin and end tags exist at the same scope. ...
Speak and he will reply with an electronic tonal language that mimics the sounds of your words. Infant AIBO has a very lim AIBO学会您给他的名字。 他的固定立体声话筒、声音公认技术和报告人形成生长,爱恋的关系的基础。 叫他的名字,并且他将反应! 讲话,并且他将回复以仿造您的词的声音的一种电子音调...
Please mark the corresponding letter for each item with a single line through the center. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once. If you ever get a mouthful of ocean water, you'll find it's very salty. How did it get this way? Rivers are the oceans' salt...
The new policy announcement is the Right to Regenerate –a proposal which would give ‘the public’ (in other words anyone) the right to force the sale of ‘underused public land’. It was couched in fluffy community language but it didn’t take long for the professionals to see through ...
brandenburgnoun(n.) A kind of decoration for the breast of a coat, sometimes only a frog with a loop, but in some military uniforms enlarged into a broad horizontal stripe. Rhyming Words According to First4Letters (bran) - Words That Begins with bran: ...
Not even all the way down. The snow was gone mid-mountain. Certainly we were insane. I didn’t love this sport enough for this. But those turns, and the reflective sunburn that came with them, did nothing more than solidify my love for it. We got back into town and proceeded directly...
Rhyming Words According to First3Letters (can) - Words That Begins with can: cannoun(n.) A drinking cup; a vessel for holding liquids. noun(n.) A vessel or case of tinned iron or of sheet metal, of various forms, but usually cylindrical; as, a can of tomatoes; an oil can; a mi...
Levity, in other words. No task too hard, no obstacle too great. When the smog hit, everything was terrible — I hated the crowds, I hated riding my bike, I hated that I dropped a chopstick and didn’t know how to ask for a new one, I hated that my future plans are nebulous ...