relentnoun(n.) Stay; stop; delay. verb(v. i.) To become less rigid or hard; to yield; to dissolve; to melt; to deliquesce. verb(v. i.) To become less severe or intense; to become less hard, harsh, cruel, or the like; to soften in temper; to become more mild and tender; ...
At which words she burst out of the room, and the serjeant, without saying a word, followed her.A very tender and pathetic scene now passed between Booth and his wife, in which, when she was a little composed, she related to him the whole story. For, besides that it was not ...
Today’s #preparingforSundaywithpoetry uses not my own words (what words do I own, anyway?), but only those found in Sundays’ Gospel.What is left – ifmostof the words of the prophet, that Jesus sought and found and read aloud, are omitted – those words are pasted below.The title ...
“I am an adult,” she said in a low, clear voice, pouring all her strength into her words. “My mother holds no legal authority over my life. Whatever her contract with you may be, is void in all matters concerning my freedom, my life.” Then for the sake of propriety, she added...
hypo 低 hypotension 低血压 hypothsis 假说 hyper 高 hypersensitive 高度敏感 turb 搅动 turbine 搅动机 turbulent 混乱的,动荡的=chaos relent 反复地借-->v.使...宽厚,仁慈 <-->relentless 无情,冷酷 shear v.剪羊毛;n.大剪刀(羊有耳朵ear) sheer adv. 完全地 kernel r像...
With the far-away look in his eyes and his soft flow of words he showed me his scars. There were many of them, and one recent one where a tigress had reached for his shoulder and gone down to the bone. I could see the neatly mended rents in the coat he had on. His right arm,...
A village elder, who had serviced this village's needs for his entire life, stumbled up to the men questioning why he hadn't been consulted beforehand. When the order from Chief Executive Suzuki was presented, the elder did not relent, continuing to press the issue. One of the men, ...
it out.) We did have a bit of a surprise: we ordered a tough, stuffed sheep that we pictured as being, oh I don’t know, toy chihuahua size, and it came more corgi size. We have an entire flock in the back room. Luckily, Hope and Will think it’s too cool for words . . ...
McCaughan is working out how to keep living after losing someone you can't imagine living without, and at times it seems like he can't; on the closer, "What Can We Do" McCaughan defiantly relents, repeating: "I'll say I love you/I won't say goodbye." Ultimately, I Hate Music...