but with some amount of stretch. In other words, if you were using the traffic light rating system (red, yellow, green) not all of them will be “green” per quarter. More infohere. Beware of over-adjusting OKRs every quarter – while they will definitely evolve, especially if the proce...
These leaders want to trust their team and worry about micromanaging, but they also want accountability and the ability to track progress. Measuring performance and holding leaders accountable is indeed important, but what’s often missing is the holistic view of where the company is going and a...
With my Refractors, I tend to piddle around micromanaging my herd. That's about all you can do. You can't transfer the optics from a sonotube to a truss or replace the mirror cell. With 80 mm F6 and F/7 FPL-53 doublets and the 4 inch NP-101 you'd think I ...
discrimination claims often fall into a gray area due to perception. In other words, an employee gets passed over for a promotion and feels that it's because of his race, gender or nationality. The best way to respond to accusations of discrimination is to ...
Micromanaging these systems is coming at the cost of genuine innovation. The last time the game had REAL innovation was in Legion. Now, almost all our systems are lesser derivatives of their Legion counterparts. Covenants are innovation to an extent as well. We need NEW ideas...
Using words or actions that embarrass others Physically assaulting or threatening the staff members Swearing or shouting at other employees Making offensive jokes repeatedly Mistreating one or more employees because of their age, gender, nationality or physical attributes ...
Do they need mentorship from someone who’s been in their shoes before to guide them to the next level? Are you micromanaging, thus not giving them a chance to step up and show what they can do? Happy employees also feel like they have visibility into the vision and direction of the co...