When the metaphorical collision involves an infringement or disrespect of boundaries, insult or offence might be more apt. For instance, "his remarks were a blatant insult to the dignity of the office" describes an offensive transgression. The word transgression itself suggests a ...
To give some idea of what it could mean for a concept to be metaphorical and for such a concept to structure an everyday activity, let us start with the concept ARGUMENT and the conceptual metaphor ARGUMENT IS WAR. This metaphor is reflected in our everyday language by a ...
In studying the semantics of metaphor, it is useful to keep in mind the general problems about lexical meaning. Now there is a curious fact about the different versions of possible-worlds semantics (PWS), such as Montague semantics or David Lewis’...
While scepter is the most common and direct translation, the English language offers a rich tapestry of words that capture different aspects of the object and its symbolic meaning, depending on context and nuance. Understanding these nuances allows for a more precise and evocative ...
Two hypotheses are tested with these same data for the present paper: Hypothesis 1: Because it is political rhetoric, the ratio of metaphorical expressions to non-metaphorical entailments should be higher for the subset of utterances with 'family' words (such as family, children, parents) than ...
maladaptive fight-or-flight response that triggers blood vessels to constrict, the heart to gallop and blood pressure to rise, resulting in damage. In other words, it is increasingly clear that our hearts are extraordinarily sensitive to our emotional system, to the metaphorical heart, if you ...
If you look at real examples of the word being used, most of them are some kind of figurative or metaphorical thing: fucking as a general intensifier, fuck you, fuck off, things like this. They’re all very recent. For 400 years of its life, it was used almost exclusively in a ...
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: Switch tonew thesaurus Noun1. Hyracotherium- extinct horse genus; formerly called eohippus genus Hyracotherium mammal genus- a genus of mammals Equidae,family Equidae- horses; asses; zebras; extinct animals ...
In a metaphorical sense, but also quite literally Your squad consists of three agents plus a little, mostly autonomous helper called Bangboo. As per usual for the genre you can swap between agents at any time, and each one has their own basic attacks, a special attack and an ultimate (...