The short form also lends itself well to stories that only come fully into focus in the last line or paragraph, and which either explains or twists our understanding of the story until that point.Crash Test Dummy,Chronicle of the Mender,Literary CocktailsandArrows of Conquestall fall under that...
And now, good friends, since you see how it ends, Let each nation-mender flay the red bar-tender, — AbhorThe transgressionOf the red bar-tender, —RuinThe professionOf the red bar-tender:Force him into business where his work does good. Let him learn how to plough, let him learn ...
By A Mender I want to say that I’m sorry that he hurt you. I’m sorry if he didn’t choose you. I’m sorry he didn’t fight for you like you deserve. I now join your rankings. Whether that be a moment of celebration or a moment met with open arms, I didn’t get his lov...
It's as good as Milk-Eyed Mender, or Rejoicing in the Hands. In fact, Gospel, is ever so slightly more accessible than either of those records; Alela's lyrics are more direct, her hooks are sharper. Sometimes a whole song is just a refrain and one gets the distinct impression that ...