So watching the world and its wars from the long perspective of the ‘silent generation’ ( those of us born before 1945), I sometimes wonder if TS Eliot’s words that ‘the world will end not with a bang, but with a whimper’ are the most optimistic we can hope for… But I still...
pointing to intense ballot-stuffing, voter intimidation and other grave violations of campaign and election-day [...] 它对塞族地区存在的严重舞 弊行为轻描淡写,而且没有对一些可信的证据作出说 明,那些证据表明存在严重做票现 象、 恐吓选民行为 以及采取散布假消息等其他严重违反...
8. have a way with, to have a charming, persuasive, or effective manner of dealing with: He has a way with children; to have a way with words. 9. have one's way with, to have sexual intercourse with, esp. through cajolery or intimidation. 10. in a way, after a fashion; to ...
There are legal, political, and economic dimensions to the intimidation. While it is not the most significant encroachment in the legal domain, I found Trump’s lawsuit against the Iowa pollster, Ann Selzer, telling. Trump is suing a well-known, much-respected pollster for the Des Moines ...
she is not a queen, her co-sheriff points out to her that “you are the queen of Salisbury castle, my lady. And given that your knight has been injured and your castle burned, I suggest that you take care.” As always, however, Ela refuses to give in to intimidation. She is ...
Zionism, he warned, would have to solve "The Arab Question" "We are seeking to colonize a country against the wishes of its inhabitants, in other words, by force." Vladimir Jabotinsky, Zionist, 1923 "We must use terror, assassina...
aso the cat is out of the bag...despite china's lack of transparency for its military buildup, its actions in territorial disputes in the east philippine sea clearly indicates a pattern of territorial dominance through intimidation, coercion and outright bullying. 如此猫是在袋子外面…尽管瓷的缺乏...
noun(n.) Payment of money exacted by means of intimidation; also, extortion of money from a person by threats of public accusation, exposure, or censure. noun(n.) Black rent, or rent paid in corn, flesh, or the lowest coin, a opposed to "white rent", which paid in silver. ...
noun(n.) Payment of money exacted by means of intimidation; also, extortion of money from a person by threats of public accusation, exposure, or censure. noun(n.) Black rent, or rent paid in corn, flesh, or the lowest coin, a opposed to "white rent", which paid in silver. ...
Why Legal Representation Is Essential To Due Process For Asylum Seekers (In Fewer Than 200 Words) HOW A FAILING ARTICLE III JUDICIARY PROMOTES THE TRUMP REGIME’S RACISM & UNDERMINES THE RULE OF LAW IN AMERICA HERE’S MY ARTICLE FROM LAW360: “Justices’ Fleeting Unanimity In Free Speech Imm...