And I’ve been pretty good about at least getting in my 1,667 words/day before I let myself go play. Yes, I could have been using that time to build up more of a cushion. Sometimes, though, we’re all still kids at heart. And play is good for the soul–and the creative juice...
in the oil regions, to keep a bucket of coal oil in the house for making fires. In this case such a bucket was responsible for a bigger fire than wanted; it took the life of Johnny’s aunt and for the next year or so Johnny lived the life of a son of fortune...
My wife, Monica, moved her practice online, and I’d hear her down in the basement, not the words or even the tone so much as the endlessness of it, with her patients onscreen, in states of dislocation and despair, as she put in more hours than she had in her entire life. Before...
It brought back memories of warm spring days planting and weeding, hot, hot summer days of staking and weeding (the one constant was weeding), days of harvesting, drying, retting, seeding, rippling, scutching and all those lovely bizarre words to describe specific processing of flax. Flax is...
I’m as certain the gay kid was hurt by what we all said as I am certain that he said those same words along with us. In 7th grade anything that made you stand out made you someone’s target. After junior high, trying out for football at my high school meant being bullied by the...
Loss for Words – Fifteen Years of Tim Hoh On a slightly sad note, after seeing the band off from their Charleston gig on Friday, the boys made it back to New Jersey, and the next day, the band and their lovely wives, fiancees, and girlfriends all went to their friend’s wedding. ...
The boy blushed and turned to the proprietor, who promptly intervened: "This is a fine boy, Sam. Smart as a whip. Knows words you and me never heard of." Radclif was annoyed. "Here, Katz," he ordered, "fillerup." After the proprietor trundled away to fetch a second beer, Sam sa...
“Mis forMusicandMountainsunder theMoon.” Okay, sometimes I just picked a lot of words that start with the letter (especially if they’re relatively easy to cut out) and let my Littles make their own … wait for it …mural. (See photo below.) ...
Reflectingaboutthissituation, I wouldoftenthinkofwordsbythepoet, RobertFrost, "Somethingthereisthatdoesn'tlove a wall. T hatwantsitdown!" whenhepenned"MendingWall". IntheUnitedStates, suchpropertydisputesarecommon. Itseemssosadthatourfencesdonotseemtomakegoodneighborsatall.WhichofthefollowingisT RUE...
1. Be critical of the words on offer. Question the word “peace.” The term used in the media is “peace negotiations.” The United States and Russia are not at war. Russia is at war with Ukraine, but Ukraine is not invited to these talks. Russian authorities, for their part, do no...