For the speakers, verbal tee-ups are used to make it easier to say something ? 45? . They sound ? 46? and polite. But Pennebaker, who ? 47? these phrases, says in many cases, the point of these phrases “is to formalize social relations so you don't have to ?...
Chiefs have strengthened their authority in charcoal-producing communities and the low presence of statutory institutions with de jure mandate to regulate the charcoal sector in those communities has implication on plans by the state to formalize and regularize charcoal production and trade in the ...
There is no license for practicing “data science”. I am based in the US, and I don’t see licensing as likely here (see also [5]). However, there have been efforts to formalize data science in the UK [6]; I am unaware of how these efforts are progressing....
While the traditional Square of Opposition was based on Aristotle's logic, its first appearance postdates the Stagyrite by five centuries. In the Prior Analytics I, Aristotle himself lays out a somewhat different square, which I dub the Singular Square, to formalize his treatment of the interrel...
Therefore, for each block B[i] there is a time gap (let us call it a no-use gap) between the moment the block is used for the last time (as a reference or as a fresh new block) and the moment it is overwritten. We formalize this issue as follows. Let us denote by φr(i) ...
To formalize the argument, let there be n units of land, enough to support n people, and assume that m families are needed to work the land. To present the simplest version of Smith’s arguments, I assume for now that the population is (at least) equal to n, the number that the ...
In particular one can start by expressing in a human-focused manner concepts associated with social networks then formalize these concepts using fuzzy sets and then evaluate these concepts with respect to social networks that have been represented using set-based relational network theory. We capture ...