Points = 0 for sounding like a weak Tom Friedman column, and – 567 points for the fear-mongering bit about undermining democracy like a Democratic Party talking point. But at the same time it sure sounded pretty didn’t it? But I’m not worried about my job at this point. Countries ...
That person’s family would have a cause for action in court. This is the real deal. Life and death. I see the consequences of bad information, fear-mongering, and conspiracy theories. I have to try to undo the damage done. I wonder-do you EVER feel guilty about what ...
In the comment section after my last post, a couple readers asked if I could explain what the “powerful reason to live” was that I came by during my last bout with suicidal ideation way back when. I did my best to explain it with words but there was just no way to describe it th...
The new policy announcement is the Right to Regenerate –a proposal which would give ‘the public’ (in other words anyone) the right to force the sale of ‘underused public land’. It was couched in fluffy community language but it didn’t take long for the professionals to see through i...
“For all the talk of ‘America First,’ Trump’s policies have never been about national interest but rather about the consolidation of power through fearmongering and race-baiting,” Motala observed. “South Africa, in its commitment to legal accountability, human rights, and constitutional integ...
In other words, she is exactly the kind of fair, “practical scholar” judge EOIR needs to carry out its real, even if disgracefully abandoned, mission of guaranteeing due process and fundamental fairness for all! Happy Saturday! I truly hope all of you were able to spend some time with ...
Its latest piece of scaremongering, Resilience to extreme weather, is packed full of emotive images of floods and completely vacuous graphics like this: (there are at least 4 such meaningless diagrams) but contains virtually no science. In the introduction, Paul Nurse claims that “By ...
Its first press release on the issue was titled “K6 billion loan sinister“, and then the alternative government followed this up with two more which were far more focused on relevant details than scaremongering. The Opposition’s key point of leverage – and one which I agree with whole...
And just as he is about to enter the kitchen like an enormous, fear-mongering wave, Judy passes Tiny to him, and nods with her eyes, as if to say, “I’ve got this.” The wave recedes, and Dov pats Tiny’s head and coos, “It’s all right, it’s all right,” as he ...
It was just such an affair as would be dragged through every scandal mongering paper in the city, thoroughly equipped, of course, with the necessary moral decoration. He could almost see the heavy headlines: Rascality of a Nobleman. “Yes, yes, my dear fellow,” he said, and patted the ...