bit of a watered-down version with my kids about 10-12 years ago, but “back in my day” we didn’t have Druids, Barbarians, Warlocks, Paladins or Sorcerers, let alone all the related subclasses, feats, new races like Tieflings, Dragonborn and Gnomes, and other 5th edition complexities...
Goat Simulatorreferenced one ofSkyrim'smost iconic abilities: shouting, where the Dragonborn uses the power of voice to affect the world around them. WhileSkyrimincludes aton of different shoutsthat the player can find and learn, includingfire breath, causing fear, and slowing time,Goat Simulatoron...
Who I spent way too long on considering I don't know what she's for/will do story-wise, originally I wanted my Guardian to be another Dragonborn, but that didn't seem to be an option? But hey-ho, she turns out looking pretty good imo So yeah, super early, I have very l...