There’s also the puzzling fact that I have no memory of my first orgasm even though I’m certain that it was with a boyfriend (pretty sure I know which one), and resulted from him giving me oral sex. I’m also certain that I didn’t dissociate in the moment, but my former sexual...
aThis topic is related to daily life. Students are familiar with this topic. But writing down words according to the sounds is very difficult for them. Students always forget the vowels. Teacher should train students’ listening ability often. 这个题目与日常生活有关。 学生熟悉这个题目。 但写下...
In other words, laboratory animals, when fed AL every other day, are capable of gorging so that their net weekly intake is not greatly decreased (Anson et al., 2005). All animal procedures were in compliance with Directive 2010/63/EU on the protection of animals used for experimental and ...
In other words, why will ionic compounds dissociate into constituent ions, but molecular compounds do not dissociate readily into constituent atoms? You need to determine the molarity of a stock solution of substance Y. You took 1mL from the stock of solution Y, added it to ...
The actomyosin complex is able to dissociate only in the presence of ATP, because of the conformational change induced by ATP binding on a specific site of the myosin globular head; this domain has an ATPase activity, able to hydrolyze ATP into ADP and inorganic phosphate. The released energ...
It is proposed that polymerases can dissociate from template when they encounter hairpins ahead of their polymerization direction14. In the system we study, the direct TALE DNA-binding repeats cannot form hairpins and there are no detectable hairpin-causing sequences flanking the repeats, however, ...
and establish that among the English. Gregory actually himself added words to the Roman Canon of the Mass, so free did he feel himself to deal with such points. Augustine went so far in this direction of recognising other liturgies, that he told the Britons ...
Key words NeurolepticClozapineHaloperidolLoxapineAmphetaminePentylenetetrazoleSertindoleSeroquelOlanzapineRisperidoneThe discriminative stimulus properties of the prototypical atypical neuroleptic clozapine (5 mg/kg, IP) were characterised in rats using a fixed ratio assay. Clozapine induced full dose-related ...
In other words, the observed or apparent threshold conditions for cracking are dependent on the test method used. "Thresholds" for SCC, i.e. a threshold aggressive anion concentration, potential, temperature, and stress intensity factor, are supposedly critical parameters above which SCC is possible...
for surface relaxation by disrupting the neighboring atoms, which induce the polarity of the non-polar faces123. Consequently, Zn-polar and O-polar faces are formed121which may be equivalent for each single nanorod (i.e, 3 Zn-polar and 3 O-polar faces). In other words, according to ZnO...