Jonathan Meyersberg Jonathan has been a Magic fan for an eternity in internet years. IRL, since 2016. Jonathan is a professional overthinker and an advocate for diversity. You can find him scrawling gibberish into loose papers, supporting local art, or trying out new recipes.EDHREC...
Here, I do not have too many ornate words and words, "mingming meet each other by chance, is inevitable. When we see a professor there for eight public television, eight public playing with crawling, and eight public catching skunks, eight male massage, we think that eight public nature ...
The head appears to be at least a little different from a common fish's, however: the mouth is more articulated and capable of forming words, and the eyes, though lacking lids, have a noticeable degree of expression to them. The Fishfolk seem to be in direct service to the Mermaid ...
aConfucius would have harsh words for Hal's pal Falstaff: to take pleasure in showing off, in a dissolute life and in food and drink is to lose Confucius将有苛刻的话为Hal的好朋友Falstaff : 要采取乐趣在炫耀,在放浪生活中和在食物和饮料是丢失[translate] ...
Big news for me: after 6 years, I’m leaving Salesforce to join the folks at Socket, working to secure the software supply chain. Salesforce has been very good to me. But at a certain point, I felt the need to branch out, learn new things, and get out of my comfort zone. At ...
For a long time, the collective wisdom in JavaScript frameworks was that the fastest way to render the DOM is to create and mount each DOM node individually. In other words, you use APIs like createElement, setAttribute, and textContent to build the DOM piece-by-piece: 1 2 3 const div ...
noun(n.) A large, hard pear, chiefly used for baking and roasting. Rhyming Words According to Last3Letters (den) - English Words That Ends with den: bedennoun(n.) The Abyssinian or Arabian ibex (Capra Nubiana). It is probably the wild goat of the Bible. ...
He had a mattress on his living room floor and he got around by crawling from one room to another. He had difficulty swallowing and was unable to take any solid food. He liked eggnog, which was fine around Christmas, but problematic after the holidays. I went to quite a few stores to...
But I think without saying the words out loud, we decided FUCK THAT SHIT and started laughing. It probably wasn’t a “We’re so adult we know how to manage our stress” thing, nah, we were probably in shock. But they don’t give you a blanket for a missing purse. “And then I...
Second, some animals use tools—and tools are cultural products. The best-known examples of animals using tools are chimpanzees that use twigs and sticks to “fish” for tasty crawling treats, sea otters that use rocks to crack open shellfish, and dolphins that use sea...