checkmatenoun(n.) The position in the game of chess when a king is in check and cannot be released, -- which ends the game. noun(n.) A complete check; utter defeat or overthrow. verb(v. t.) To check (an adversary's king) in such a manner that escape in impossible; to defeat ...
matenoun(n.) The Paraguay tea, being the dried leaf of the Brazilian holly (Ilex Paraguensis). The infusion has a pleasant odor, with an agreeable bitter taste, and is much used for tea in South America. noun(n.) Same as Checkmate. ...
16 Persian chess, checkmate, check 17 Malay ketchup, amok 18 Urdu chintz, bungalow, cheroot, cot, many overlaps with Hindi 19 Irish boycott, brogues, clock, dig (slang), hooligan 20 Afrikaans apartheid, commando, trek, aardvark, meerkat, wildebeest 21 Yiddish Chanukkah (Hanukkah), chutzpah...
“Likewise, ye wives,be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives . . . For after this manner in the old time the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves,being i...
Twist! New plan to checkmate Trump’s 'revenge' cases before they start — Biden can act alone 06:11 ‘He’s salivating’: Critics denounce Trump’s attacks on free press as fears swirl 11:39 See Zuckerberg and AI’s Altman eat their words on Tru...
(MeSH) terms and free text words, we searched for a combination of the following terms: “PD-1”, “PD-L1”, and “tumor”. The specific search form used in PubMed can be downloaded inSupplementary Table S1. In addition to this, we have browsed American Society of Clinical Oncology ...