"Walden."Oxford Languages President Casper Grathwohl said that in its modern sense, "'brain rot' speaks to one of the perceived dangers of virtual life, and how we are using our free time.""It feels like a rightful next chapter in the cultural conversation about humanity and technology. It...
The Cabinet and other cases of brain rotMILES KINGTON
Test yourself to see if you are experiencing “Brain Rot”: 1. You spend 2 or more hours watching short videos on your phone.2. You talk with your friends on Wechat or QQ for a long time instead of talking to them face to face. 3. You keep checking your phone, even when you kno...
Brain rot The Oxford dictionary word of the year was two words that should be easy to slip into conversation this festive season. Brain rot: the supposed deterioration of a person’s mental or intellectual state, especially viewed as the result of overconsumption of material (particularl...
Brain-rot: A description of the overuse of stupid slang. See also: “Skibidi.” Also used to describe the effects of being overly online. Brat: The contemporary meaning of "brat" is an adjective describing a person who is edgy, imperfect, and confident. It was coined by pop star Charli...
“brain-rot.” skrt : onomatopoetic word for the sound of tires squealing upon acceleration. sweat : a person who tries too hard, usually used in reference to video games. the adjective form is "sweaty." spawn point : mother. based on the spot you start in a video game. spoopy : ...
Instead, your brain mus t continuously focus on searching for differen t solutions. T hat process can improv e your abi lity to learn critical features o f skills and con cepts, which then better enables you to select and produc e th e correct response. A second explanation is that ...
Instead,your brain must continuously focus on scarchi ng for different solutions . T hat process can improv e your ability to learn critical features o f skills and conccpts , which then better ena bles you to select and produc e th e correct resp ons e . A second erplanation is that...
It was never really about getting stoned for stoned sake; OK, 00individual is high and can’t lie, it was, as anything could become ridiculously funny, or introspective, or both, and usually did. As time passed the lies and the truths that could not be hidden became secondary and the ...
This altering of activity is likely due to the auditory signal reaching the FFA via pathways through the amygdala (Ethofer et al., 2006) or voice selective brain regions (Von Kriegstein & Giraud, 2006). The possibility that the FFA, which is typically associated with face recognition (Rot...