He once flew to Los Angeles to catch the Doors at the Hollywood Bowl, crashed the afternoon practice session, said four words to Morrison (“Hello, how are you?”), got back one (“Fine”), talked a while to Morrison’s girl, and got thrown out. He saw the concert from a hilltop ...
The NaNo website says I’ve been averaging 1,900 words a day. Not bad. Story-wise, I’m also kind of pleased. I have a tendency, in my stories, to land my main character(s) in a world of hurt, only to come along a chapter later and make everything all better for them. So ...
Impatient drivers, pushy people on the subway, kids shouting into their mobile phones... we see these unpleasant incidents almost every day. This is why Canadian filmmaker John Curtin's new documentary, To Hell With Manners! The Decline of Civility ,couldn't be ...
So, very loving limits and what I’ve often called “confident momentum.” Which isn’t fast, it’s not pushy, it’s just noticing where our children are getting stuck. And when she does that, when she welcomes it, she’s helping her do it. I believe that is what will hel...
ALOS stands for Average Length of Stay. In other words, how many nights your guests are choosing to spend at your hotel. By tracking your ALOS, you can find out whether you’ve been accommodating more short stays than usual. Then you can tweak your strategy to try and encourage guests to...
For example, when Luke used to push inbetween me and another dog when I went to pet it, I’d quietly ask Luke to “get back and wait” while I continued to pet the other dog. Luke learned that he’d get a food treat as well as attention IF waited his turn, but being pushy ...
You say you always let him text first. Why don't you do it once in a while instead of it being one-sided? Im trying not to be pushy or coming on too strong, idk. Thanks for the reply tho Platinum Member 74.7k Platinum Member ...
In other words, in this case you are not training your dog to respond to a cue, but conditioning an internal response to someone approaching something that they cherish. Before going any further, stop here an contact a behaviorist or progressive trainer who understands how to use classical ...
Aw, I’m so sorry to hear about Sadie’s diagnosis! It seems like lately there have been even more Shibas being diagnosed with Glaucoma and thank you so much for the suggestion. I’ll definitely include it as something to watch for in terms of health issues!
1. Leashes Aren’t Muzzles.(Neither are muzzles for that matter.) In other words, keeping your dog on a leash won’t prevent him from biting someone. Sometimes leashes can precipitate bites if a dog is nervous and feels trapped. I’ve been overwhelmed by clients who believed that if th...