Run the following command in one of your terminal tabs, to run the backend, frontend, and databases. docker compose up Edit yourhostsfile, typically/etc/hosts, by adding this line: liwords.localhost (If you are on Windows and you want to use Chrome, you cannot use.localhost. ...
So the backend is complaining that the 'start_time' and 'end_time' values are in the wrong format. Specifically, it's saying that they need to be in the format HH .uuuuuu . In other words, the backend expects 'start_time' and 'end_time' to be times, not datetimes. Looking back...
question interface. The sentiment and quick polls are variations of the current surveys, but have not yet been implemented on the iOS side. The sentiment polls are also not ready on the backend so we haven't implemented it. It will be very similar to the scaling question interface.[...
time to read 2 min | 272 words The RavenDB Cloud team has been silently working on a whole bunch of features. Many of them are backend features that as a user, you don’t really care about. But we finally got around to unveiling a lot of the stuff that is customer facing. RavenDB...
Poetry, an art form as ancient as language itself, offers an endless array of expressions and emotions, captured in the rhythm and rhyme of words. It’s a realm where the soul speaks, and the heart listens, transcending the mundane to touch the sublime. For aspiring poets and seasoned word...
Naming standards are also crucial for aspects of the development process itself. Thanks to the common understanding of words and phrases like “build” and “release”, or “story” and “feature”, we know how to work with each other. ...
1. Ask for just the data you need, get back just the data you need GraphQL is pretty good at realising this promise, which makes it great for its original purpose of more efficient communication between mobile apps and their backend services. It’s less chatty, and more verbose, which ar...
In other words, he’s the one most invested in the core game loop. For comparison, the Runner is more into the meta loop of exploring and completing her map, and the Angel only cares about the meta meta loop: getting out of this place. Fact about the past: the Skater will tell you...
ByMichiel KlønhammerinUncategorized18-3-2014250 WordsLeave a comment When not to use Moodle or LearningStone? In the past half year, while we were working towards going live withLearningStonewe often got the question why not useMoodlefor professional training. Some of our first clients actually...
don’t go there expecting to become the nextLinus Torvaldsby watching someone hack Javascript over the weekend. But if your primary skill is in coding backend services and you’ve always wanted to dabble in front-end or design, this is a great opportunity to do so without taking that risk...