How to Use Em Dashes (—), En Dashes (–) , and Hyphens (-) Plural and Possessive Names: A Guide The Difference Between 'i.e.' and 'e.g.' Why is '-ed' sometimes pronounced at the end of a word? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'?
WOWWatch Out for Wildlife Awareness Week(California) WOWWhite Open Weave(bandage) WOWWarehousing of Wisconsin(Appleton, WI) WOWWorld of Wackiness(Japanese video game) WOWWashington On Wheels(Washington Hospital Healthcare System, California Mobile Health Clinic) ...
Of respondents, 54.7% were aware of PrEP, 47.4% were interested in PrEP, and 27.9% of PrEP-interested respondents reported they would pay for PrEP out-of-pocket. Awareness and interest varied between provinces, while GBMSM outside urban areas were less likely to be PrEP aware. Bisexual-...
aWe can imagine if we don’t have awareness and knowledge of other culture, which influences people’s mind and behaviors, we can not know how to understand the different attitudes towards food and different eating manners between China and the west, or how to behave appropriately in the ...
aAs the name suggests, it's all about fitness which has been quite forgotten by majority of modern people who have turned themselves into workaholics, so the idea is to remind and awake people's awareness towards exercise. I'm truthfully lucky that i live quite near it, specifically, it's...
Blinkard. Dunderheaded. Nescient. Sometimes you need a new way to call something 'stupid.' Here are eight better ways.
Aside from its shorthand use amongst the post production world, “Foley” as a word has changed as filmmaking and sound design culture have become more global, democratic, and open to the public. This extra bit of awareness has been a blessing and a curse. I have heard the word used erro...
Actually, what he enjoys about his time on the motorcycle is similar to what I enjoy about being with Cowboy: he must be present and mindful, at the same time he can slip into another realm of awareness, and it gets him out of the house and into the gorgeous world. ...
They might equally provide a release from ideas—a release into wonder, and into new kinds of awareness connected to your body, your senses, and your general state of existential confusion. What I notice will be different from what you notice. That's how it goes with a...
3.The sense of hearing:a sound that grates on the ear. 4.Sensitivity or receptiveness to sound, especially: a.Sharpness or refinement of hearing:a singer with a good ear for harmony. b.The ability to play a passage of music solely from hearing it:plays the piano by ear. ...