This extra long word (that approximately means “fantastic”) was popularized by the movie Mary Poppins and was eventually added to the dictionary. What you probably didn’t know is that there is a word that is longer—yes longer—than this one. Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is ...
Merriam-Webster also considered "deepfake" for the word of the year. "Rizz," thought to come from the word "charismatic," was added to the dictionary this year and was also considered for word of the year. The word became popularized on social media platforms like TikTok...
“Some German words are so long that they have a perspective” in an appendix to A Tramp Abroad that was appropriately titled The Awful German Language). One such compound was the name for an anti-aircraft gun:Fliegerabwehrkanone. The word was a compound of the earlierFliegerabwehr, which ...
The interjectionyoiis a Pittsburghese expression popularized by the iconic Pittsburgh Steelers color commentator Myron Cope. Believed to come from Yiddish,yoiis an expression of joy and delight, as when your team scores a touchdown. If oneyoiisn’t enough to express your happiness, you can always...
What does "Thot" mean? What's the meaning of the word Thot? Here's our guide to the origin of the slang term thot and why we can do better.
"Serendipity(意外发现)According to Merriam-Webster, serendipity, whichmeans the state of finding pleasant things by accident,comes from Serendip, a(n)(2)_ name for SriLanka. In 18th-century Britain, the writer HoraceWalpole popularized the word in reference to a folk taleabout "the three ...
Hope,the 260thmost popular baby namein the US, is also what we call the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best. It, along with Faith and Charity, are among three Christian virtue names popularized by the Puritans. ...
The Battle for Slaughter Gulch pits two to six players against each other in a struggle for control of a small town. Each player leads one of the factions in town: The Agency (think precursor to the Secret Service), The Texas Rangers, The Blessed (Missionaries bringing the Good Word to ...
aIn response to public pressure, McDonald's has sought to include more healthy choices in its menu and has introduced a new slogan to its recruitment posters: "Not bad for a McJob".[36] (The word McJob, first attested in the mid-1980s[37] and later popularized by Canadian novelist Doug...
aIn response to public pressure, McDonald's has sought to include more healthy choices in its menu and has introduced a new slogan to its recruitment posters: "Not bad for a McJob".[36] (The word McJob, first attested in the mid-1980s[37] and later popularized by Canadian novelist Doug...