Champions for Justice Event Honors the Brave Ones; Girl Who Fought Best Buy Attack, Other Citizens HonoredByline: Derek Gilliam Ann Dugger stood at the lectern as pictures of the summer's violence...By Gilliam
7. or other (preceded by a phrase or word with some) used to add vagueness to the preceding pronoun, noun, noun phrase, or adverb: some dog or other bit him; he's somewhere or other. 8. other things being equal conditions being the same or unchanged 9. the other day a few days...
If you are tired of what has happened to this Nation please vote for President Trump. President Word Salad cannot handle the job. Hoping to be blogging regularly again! Take Care! Hugs Nanette © Nanette Chopin Cook at 2023. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this ...
policy, programs, and services. I discuss some of thebehavioural barriersin the mass vaccination process, especially things that could potentially contribute to people delaying coming back for their second dose. I also discuss how improvedbehavioural cues and messagescould enhance the vaccination ...
s of the coming Employment Rights Bill, refers to Labour having pledged to “restrict the use of zero-hours contracts”. If this is based on what the Department for Business & Trade briefed to the journalist, then this could be the first sign of a retreat from use of the B-word.]...
conceived in Highland rain, in the blend of the smell of heather and bog-plants, and with a mind full of the Athole correspondence and the memories of the dumlicide Justice. So long ago, so far away it was, that I had first evoked the faces and the mutual tragic situation of the ...
First, “fascism.” That word has lost its meaning, if it ever had one. Today, it’s simply the left engaging in name-calling against the right. One component of “fascism” that people generally agree on, however, is that it entails government control over the economy and censoring speec...
I particularly enjoy novellas that contain only one word. The plot and character development are a bit lacking, but I finish them quickly enough to get on with the important things in life — such as swatting the “e” off Dave’s computer keyboard. Which lxads to sxntxnces likx the on...
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. Translations Spanish / Español Select a language: Confucianism [kənˈfjuːʃənɪzəm]N→confucianismom,confucionismom Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 20...
15:23 A man hath joy by the answer of his mouth: and a word spoken in due season, how good is it! When all is done in eternity’s light, we will see that the best words were those which brought us to that place. No other words were so well-spoken, none so fitting, none so...