"I was stoked to see the SVG Backgrounds site get an upgrade lately. I was playing around in there and was like YES, I’m doing this." Chris Coyier @chriscoyier "An insanely useful tool for web developers/designers ... I use it all the time for custom SVG backgrounds" ...
Now I get lots of compliments on my site and I've even tried their other tools like email marketing, which is great because the emails match my site's appearance. Overall I would recommend B12 as an effective, affordable, and easy to use website solution. 113 Reply Share Edit Delete ...
A guide to using Canva with Buffer Attaching media from Dropbox, Google Drive, or OneDrive📝 Attached media can also take up character space in your post. If the character count goes down when you add an image, video, or GIF (as it does for X/Twitter and LinkedIn), this is a ...
simple for all small business owners. Laura's aim is to help businesses become more visible on social media, focusing more on design based services, such as running her template membership, creating courses, challenges, training into business groups, writing books and creating templates for Canva....
canva infogram Create engaging infographics and reports in minutes Working Efficiency streak Streak was announced as Google's 2018 Technology Partner of the Year, in recognition of our fully integrated CRM and deep, powerful integration with all of G Suite - Gmail, Calendar, Drive and Sheets. ...
You may also like:2023's best cities for rooftop dining Robin pie Canva Robin pie A pie made of robins? Yeah, that's not something we see on American tables anymore. Especially after robins were protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918. But, before that, this particular pie...
What Have We Learned From Neutron Stars Interacting With Their Environment? Neutron Stars, Pulsars, and Magnetars What Is a Born-Again Star? What Do We Learn About Supermassive Black Hole Sagittarius A* From Its Surrounding Stars?
(Image: canva.com) Ending up with random software on your machine you never wanted in the first place is annoying as heck. So-called PUPs (for Potentially Unwanted Programs, although there’s rarely any “potentially” about it) are tools, settings, utilities, browser toolbars, extensions, ...
Canva Prois another popular site that not only resizes but also allows you to design and animate images, as well as format them for web or social media use. Its layout is intuitive and easy to use. Wrapping Up Don’t underestimate the importance of optimizing your images. Slow sites not...
I also bakedGwen Walz’s Ginger Snap Cookiesfrom the website,Kamala’s Recipes. Like I said, I’m baking in an alternate universe. One where we have a President who bakes AND believes in the rule of law AND healthcare for women AND isn’t a felon. ...