In some ways my self-control is usually very good or even overdeveloped. But I wonder if sometimes my apparent self-control is less an issue of self-regulation and more habitually ignoring or denying desires. If you don’t desire, you don’t crave. For instance, I’m tremendously frugal,...
in the words of Warren Zevon, “My Shit’s Fucked Up” and I’ve had CF long enough that a full cure is probably out of reach for me. But it has absolutely changed my life and the lives of many others for the better in a lot of ways. That makes it difficult to talk ...
... I've been loving you a long time Down all the years, down all the days And I've cried for all your troubles Smiled at your funny little ways We watched... 歌词 Pogues (The). Other. Curse Of Love. Pogues(). 其他. 爱的诅咒. ... I've seen those signs a million times ...
Remy has always proven to be difficult for me. In a way, he was the easiest character to write without having a visual reference, since has so visceral in so many other ways. The closest I came back then to having a physical model for him was Argentinian polo player (and Ralph Lauren...
at his court for months in 1860, he described King Mutesa of Buganda killing people at his court daily, for trivial reasons such as a girl speaking too loudly, or a page neglecting to open or close a door, innocent people burned alive, tortured and murdered in all manner of ways., ...
I was reminded today of this book, after getting invitations to meetings that will most likely be trainwrecks. It’s a quick read, with some simple ways to make your meetings better – both in-person and online. One Outlook BySamonJanuary 4, 2021•(0) ...
“According to my calculations, you’ll be just fine.” So Henry strapped into the harness, lifted the long stick in the center and hold it long ways balanced over his head. He looked over and Gibson and kinda shrugged… I guess I’m ready he aid with a raise of his eyebrow and a...
Artaban's heart beat unsteadily with that troubled, doubtful apprehension which is the excitement of old age. But he said within himself, "The ways of God are stranger than the thoughts of men, and it may be that I shall find the King, at last, in the hands of His enemies, and sha...
The@ways of the world works well if ya think about it. だから、私達みたいな人間が異変を解決するんだろ?@世の中よく出来てるんだぜ。 00903638: Anyway... It's been a long while since I was able to take a@casual walk around the village. It sure has changed a lot@everywhere. ...
It’s essential to know how to say good morning in Japanese. There are two basic ways to say this greeting, depending on the level of formality you’re using (and are expected to use). The first way to say good morning isohayōおはよう(pronounced a lot like the state Ohio). This ...