Why You’re Still Attracted to Your Ex An Expert's Guide to Long-Lasting Intimacy The 15 Best Sex Toys to Achieve Maximum Pleasure My GF Wants to Bring the Bathroom to the Bedroom Let's Get Into the Hard Facts About ED Drugs Let's Break Down Some Common Sexual Fantasies ...
The Wife is always finding innovative ways to shut me up during our BDSM sessions and I love a good gag so she asked me to find something that would be comfortable for a long extended session. I came across the Leather Bondage Slave Muzzle from Top to Bottom Leathers and it seemed to ...
Far better Sex by Enduring Longer in Mattress – Ways to get it? By McManus May 21, 2023 Adult 0 Comments It is possible to peruse every one of the self-enhancement much better sex manuals you need, but regularly every little thing profits on the primary solution to have one of the ...
While these are the most minor of lapses, they are punished with equal severity, but by different methods—most often upon the tongue, though I have found ways of visiting unpleasantness upon the entire mouth or lips which I find quite pleasing and which have an equal or more effective ...
There are ways to take care of it. I had the clap once and it’s nothing to get uptight about if you know what to do. John Walker of It’s a Beautiful Day says the trouble with groupies is “it’s impossible to identify with people — with groupies — when they don’t see you...
Let me count the ways. First, we have been hungering for community (the focus of many discussions, and still no good answers). SL is one way of developing a community of like people. Second, Richard is so, so visual and in fact he has helped me realize that I am also a very ...
Together they exhaust the possibilities of reaction to the crime, like two disunited parts of a single psychical individuality [...].“13 So Lady Macbeth and Macbeth both change in different ways in the course of the play. She may seduce him into murdering Duncan, but he is responsible ...
but I could help the violin in other ways. At first glance, I thought to use an economy brown furniture set I’ve used on other projects, but the more I looked at this fiddle, the more I realized that that wasn’t the best choice. I rummaged through my parts drawer, and I had th...
(Not to mention being ungrammatical in a few ways.) When searching several years ago for explanations/interpretations of this song the best I could come up with was fansites where the Leslie Fiedlers of their time decided it was “a song Scott Weiland wrote about his girlfriend.” Yeah,...
As mentioned in my recent posts, I have been attending a practical course on fountain pen repair. Although very much a beginner, it has been fascinating to learn the correct ways to use the various tools involved and very satisfying to restore a vintage pen to life, when it goes well. ...