It’s hard to say this, but we were really lucky the first time. We suffered “merely” a deliberately but horribly botched response to a pandemic; resulting lousy economy left to others for resuscitation; four years of aid and comfort to America’s most committed and dangerous enemy; unremi...
I don’t know where it was that they found one another to travel together to Jerusalem and thence to Bethlehem. I do not know at what point on the journey home they said their goodbyes and parted ways, each to his own country. I imagine it was not easy to let go of such a fellows...
Artaban's heart beat unsteadily with that troubled, doubtful apprehension which is the excitement of old age. But he said within himself, "The ways of God are stranger than the thoughts of men, and it may be that I shall find the King, at last, in the hands of His enemies, and sha...
I’ve had a lovely man in my life for going on six years—I finally learned to say “I want YOU”—and don’t muse about other possible pairings. Part of the fascination is that stalking Frank on Facebook allows me—a liberal now in Portland, Oregon—to ponder the nuances of someone...
She rolled to her side. As she lay there wondering if that had really just happened, he pulled her close, kissing her shoulder and whispering in her ear that she was welcome to stay the night, or he could drive her home. She murmured something about walking home and quickly dressed. He...
percussion tries to keep up with the bassline's powerful undertow. Though Pole heads up ~scape, and a dub motif runs through the label's catalog, it does so in a variety of subtle ways -- and nothing yet on the label sounds like Pole's own dubscapes, which is a ...
Do you have list of different ways to say "asked" like you did here for "said"? Because My struggle is my main words are asked, questioned, wondered, inquired . So yeah. I guess I'm asking for more colorful words for that. What you have for "said" is helpful :) Brad Hall - ...
For me this was difficult – I have never had a plan with what I do, but a constant dissatisfaction with my courses (I really should do better) and an appetite for new technology and new ways of doing things has helped me maintain an innovative pressure. I try to explain that I put ...
"That word has different roots, but the Lord works in mysterious ways. Far be it from me to discount the suggestiveness of our living language." "And the key word is 'monai'?" "Yes, in the singular, 'mone.' The letters are 'mu omicron nu eta.' It's pronounced like the impressio...
“Sister, I hope you will do no such thing,” murmured a young Fairy who lay near twining seaweeds into a wreath. “I never until this evening heard a doubt upon the subject, and to tell you the truth the only time I ever envy a mortal is when I see a regular beauty enter a lar...