Saying No: And Other Ways to Stay Focused on Your PrioritiesAre you taking on too much and enjoying it less? Here is a look at this issue in a Q&A format,...Davidson, Jeff
11 Other Ways to Say “I Look Forward to Meeting You” There are many ways to express excitement about an upcoming meeting. Here are 11 alternatives to “I look forward to meeting you” that can fit different contexts and tones. I look forward to our meeting Looking forward to our convers...
This article will explore 10 different ways to convey appreciation for a conversation. Each will be explained with scenarios where they are most appropriate, along with short email examples to see how they can be used in real life. Contentsshow Is It Professional to Say “It Was a Pleasure S...
aFor some time this column has focused on estrogen mimics or xenoestrogens. It is a new year and time to wrap up this important topic and look for other ways to frighten readers of the WAAC Newsletter. 这个专栏有一段时间了集中于女性荷尔蒙仿造物或xenoestrogens。 它是新年和时候包裹这个重要...
“Taste” is too focused on flavor, while “texture” only partly captures the experience. To truly understand and effectively communicate the 《口感的英语》, we must delve deeper into the various aspects that contribute to the overall mouthfeel. The most common and versatile term...
It’s so easy to say, “I’m here when you need me.” But even if it’s such a simple thing to do, so many of us still fail to do it – even for the people we love most. That’s why one of the simplest ways to behelpful to othersis to follow up on your promise that ...
The more focused your decisions are around “where” and “who,” the better your results. 2. Determine whether you’ll hire an international SEO agency. Do you want to do the heavy lifting of international SEO yourself or outsource this effort? There are advantages to both. You know your...
“We know from psychology that the human mind often works in fairly ironic ways, so when you’ve focused on something too much, or try not to experience something, it actually produces the opposite. A good example is...
And so, I’m thinking about the limitations of discourse: The ways the ongoing trauma of a pandemic has left us flat-footed when it comes to responding to censorship and attacks on the possibilities of classroom ingenuity right now.
For great examples of essays that define “difference” in ways that aren’t related to race, check out examples 2 and 3 on the “How are you different?” prompt. How do you brainstorm different ways that you add to a campus’ diversity? For the past several years, we’ve been usin...