Let's say my left shoe corresponds to a sustainable footprint, meaning we humans consume less natural resources than our planet can regenerate, 假设我左脚的鞋代表可持续的足迹,可持续足迹的意思是人类消耗的自然资源比地球可再生的要少, and emit less carbon dioxide than our forests and oceans can r...
Darwin was faced with the proposition of a kind god who was more cruel than any human being, and with supernatural power behind him to boot — so Darwin tried to justify God's ways to man. Nature took the place of the devil in an insidious sleight-of-hand that initially Darwin himself ...
Romantic Ways to Say “I Love You” in Italian From a no-frills “I love you” to more poetic variations, here are several ways to express your tender feelings in Italian. It’s a safe bet that you’ll be using the tu form with these expressions, to informally address an individual ...
No, I retract what I say; he hath not the spirit of a gentleman, nor of a man neither, or he would not bear to see his wife insulted.""Let me beg of you, my dear," cries the serjeant, "to go with me and compose yourself.""Go with thee, thou wretch!" cries she, looking ...
Setting up a site. If you don't know what you're doing, can take weeks or even months to figure out. Hiring somebody makes a lot of sense, but it can cost you a lot of money to build a custom website. You'll need to figure out how you can build in multiple ways to make mon...
Similarly, Del Christensen, chief of Global Business Development for the San Francisco BAC, said there are a lot of ways that the two regions can collaborate. "We can also open up markets for our companies to do business together," he said. ...
No; but I may tell you this too:when he had his better intervals, it was I who urged him on; it was I who had to drag the whole load when he relapsed into his evil ways, or sank into querulous wretchedness. Manders. And it is to this man that you raise a memorial? Mrs. ...
1.Beingpoor,thecollegestudenthastofindapart-timejobtosupporthisschooling. 2.Inthegalleryweresomepictureswhichweretakenbysomefamousphotographers(摄影师). 3.Hisdreamoccupationistobeareporterwhowritesarticlesforthesportscolumn. 4.Itisourtraditionalvirtuestotreattheelderly(年老的)respectfullyandtakecareofchildrenlov...
Write on any topic or theme but make sure your words convey the feeling you are trying to express in beautiful yet meaningful ways. You can also come up with short verses that are still powerful enough to leave an imprint in readers' minds. My first request is "I need a poem about ...
Aftersixmonthsoftryingoutnewwaysofrelaxing,Ifeelmuchmoreenergetic.用了六个月尝试新的放松方式后,我感到精力更充沛了。 tryout实验;尝试 try to do sth.努力做某事 try doing sth.试着做某事 try on试穿 try out for参加……选拔 (1)Whenhewasyoung,hewasalwaystryingoutsomenewideas. 他年轻时经常尝试一些...