【Other ways to say...系列】一个意思只会一个单词?雅思预测教育用词很单调?换种方式表达更高分! û收藏 1 评论 ñ1 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候...教育博主 超话主持人(雅思预测超话) 查看更多 a 70关注 65.6万粉丝 10565微博 微关系 ...
Other ways to say... 换个英文表达方式更给力! û收藏 318 10 ñ69 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候...雅思中国网官方微博客 3 公司 雅思中国网 Ü 简介: 微信公众号:IELTSIM。 广告联系微信:wogamama T 友情链接 雅思交流论坛 更多a...
Other ways to say: In other words, Good luck, Happy birthday, Good night, I like it, Hurry up, Tired.Contents Other Ways to Say… Other Ways to Say “In Other Words” Other Ways to Say “Good Luck” Other Ways to Say “Happy Birthday!” Other Ways to Say”Good Night” Other Wa...
请教我一个使用 Other ways to say "Thank you so much for your patience" in a customer service 的例句。 最好是在日常生活中经常使用的句子。 查看翻译 fromzero_on 2023年2月10日 英语(美国) • Thank you for your patience.• Thank you for being so patient.• I appreciate your patienc...
Other ways to say “It’s a pleasure to meet you” include: “Pleased to meet you.” “Happy to meet you.” “Delighted to make your acquaintance.” 2“It’s great to connect with you.” This informal yet professional greeting works well for a digital or remote meeting and can be an...
How will people greet you if you travel to different country. Here are some of the ways that people create each other. Write the fizzle and its picture and tell in what situation and in which country people usually greet in this way. Reference words. Reference words.不。 Kiss. Hug. Sick...
10 Other Ways to Say “It Was a Pleasure Speaking With You” Let’s explore a variety of professional and warm alternatives to the commonly used phrase “It was a pleasure speaking with you.” Thank you for the insightful conversation. ...
There are lots of ways to say “yes” to someone. Native English speakers will use so many different ways it can be hard to know when to use them or when to just say “yes”! You can improve your English skills by knowing more ways to say yes. Knowing other ways to say yes can ...
The tuition increase is making students more stressed. The higher tuition is making students more stressed. The students are more stressed since the tuition went up. | While the tuition is increasing, college students will be more stressed. In order to i
Accessible To or For? When to Use Each (With Examples) How to Write Availability on Your Resume [Full Guide] 12 Best Replies To “I Hope All Is Well” (Formal & Friendly) 10 Better Ways to Say “I Look Forward to the Meeting”...