This part focus on different ways to make introductions and great. The following sort dialogues counted the expression of instructions and greetings. Listen and fill in the blanks with the expression you hear. Hello, I'm just. What's your name? Please? My name is Sophia Sophia Bush. Miss ...
【1】What is the text mainly about? A. How to find problems. B. How to change problems. C. How to live without problems. D. How to deal with problems. 【2】According to the text, the first paragraph is trying to ___. A. upset the readers B. encourage the readers C. laugh at...
B.Waysofspeaking. C.Choicesofmusic. D.Choicesofjobs. 答案D 3.Whatkindofpeoplewillbethetargetsforbullies? A.Peoplewhoareoutsidethepeergroup. B.Peoplewhoalwayshavemuchconfidence. C.Peoplewhooftenseekapprovalfrompeers. D.Peoplewhooftenchallengepeers’behaviour. ...
【亮点说明】范文中运用一些常见的短语make a complaint to 对。。抱怨;lead to导致;take action 采取措施;If this also can’t lead to the desired result, the consumer can warn the seller he or she will take legal action or turn to some organizations for help.这个句子运用到if引导的状语从句;练习...
Inrecentyears , therehasbeenalotoftalkaboutimprovingDelhi’sairbyred ucingvehicularpollutionandmakingstrongerrulesforvehi clemanufacturers.Butthesamehasnothappenedfordieselge nerators.Thereareeffortstopunishbusinessesthatdirtyt heair , butthisoftenleadstothemfindingwaystogetaroundtherule s. TusharMathurw...
to the work with mirroring and empathetic writing through their emotional “punctums”2 respectively(a detailed WPGMW working procedure is attached in the appendix). It serves as a space for self-reconstruction to help to increase each members’ self-esteem and self-value by deepening the ...
Here are some ways to master it.Recite and repeat in conversationWhen you hear a person’s name, repeat it. Immediately say it to yourself several times without moving your lips .You could also repeat the name in a way that does not sound forced or artificial.Ask the other person to ...
According to one explanation, such judgments involve two separate and competing ways of thinkingone of these, a quick, natural "feeling," and the other, carefuldeliberationabout the greatest good for the greatest number. When we use a foreign language, we unconsciously sink into the more ...
Today, it’s used in a variety of ways from allowing you to unlock your phone, go through security at the airport, purchase products at stores. It checks the identities of ride-hailing drivers, permits tourists to enter attractions and let people pay for things with a smile. Airports are ...
There are ways to reduce those travel expenses, however, such as carpooling with other students, booking early or taking advantage of discounts. For instance, students between the ages of 17 and 24 can save 15% off when they book an Amtrak ticket one day in advance. Next:Books...