Whe n w e know we'r e doing something that will ma k e our friends rery happy , w e feel good abou t ourselves , too .(6), writing a letter can impror e your languag e skills and you can also lear n som e new expressions .Letter writing has much fun . Why not b egin ...
完形填空Over recent years, letter writing has been replaced by other ways of communicating Technology has16_ so fast that we now expect to be able to see people at any time and get response _17_. Rather than put pen to paper, it feels much more natural for us to send text messages an...
to close the letter with “regards” (even though you don’t like it). A collegue suggested “yours faithfully” but I haven’t heard of that closing in a long time.
to close the letter with “regards” (even though you don’t like it). A collegue suggested “yours faithfully” but I haven’t heard of that closing in a long time.
Signs on doors tell you where to go in or out. Have you ever noticed that there are a lot of signs around you and that you receive messages from them all the time? People can communicate in many other ways. An artist can use his drawings to tell about beautiful mountains,about the ...
Over recent years, letter writing has been replaced by other ways of communicating. Technology has developed so fast that we now expect to be able to see people at any time and get response . Rather than put pen to paper, it feels much more natural for us to send text messages and emai...
【题目】 Over recent years ,letter writing has been replaced by other ways of communicating.T echnology has (1)so fast that we now expect to be able to see people at any time and get response (2)___.Rather than put pen to paper , it feels much more natural for us to send text ...
Over recent years, letter writing has been replaced by other ways of communicating. Technology has developed so fast that we now expect to be able to see people at any time and get response . Rather than put pen to paper, it feels much more natural f
This is the first full-scale analysis of T.S. Eliot's six "Ariel Poems" as Christmas poems. Through close readings, Atkins argues that these poems considered together emerge as clearly related representations of the "impossible union" that occurred in the Incarnation. ...
From a no-frills “I love you” to more poetic variations, here are several ways to express your tender feelings in Italian. It’s a safe bet that you’ll be using the tu form with these expressions, to informally address an individual you know fairly well. English Italian I love you...