Of course, to anyone who disagrees, the person is just a complete lunatic. And thus how religion is ALWAYS polarizing. An unnecessary label is just that, it’s in essence a derogatory term. And the one exception we tend to make when using derogatory terms is when it’s your own, and ...
“No surprise, ” said Mr. Chow Yaw Long, 37, teachers in charge from Innova Junior College, which organized the event. “Although the topics were local subjects, the foreign students were generally better in terms of the content of the posts and their grasp of the Chinese language. ” On...
The new brand for “Affirmative Action” was “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.” This new brand was the same as the old brand, except, this time, it was coupled with brainwashing. You had to not only engage in reverse discrimination; you had to believe in it. You had to believe that ...
The three phases of brainwashing are dependency, dissonance, and attitude change. True or false? There is a small but positive association between happiness and holding spiritual beliefs. Is the statement true or false? Explore our homework questions and answ...
A SPAC solves a lot of problems for a company. It raises capital and generates liquidity for the private company on terms they want at what should be a higher valuation than they were getting in the private markets. And it does so relatively quickly, with a minimum of hassle. With so ma...
The erroneous idea that every little twitch, pain or bodily sensation must have a reason or connect with something is a traumatic reframing notion. Clients would be unlikely to talk in these terms if they had not learned therapeutic thinking and jargon. People who have not been trained in the...
PlatoonandWall Streetprovide a useful starting point, as they share the same basic structure. A young man (Charlie Sheen, in both films) has to choose in terms of values between the Good Father (Willem Dafoe, Martin Sheen) and the Bad Father (Tom Berenger, Michael Douglas); he learns to...
Clients would be unlikely to talk in these terms if they had not learned therapeutic thinking and jargon. People who have not been trained in the language of counseling don't generally find every vague feeling or sensation indicative of something of monumental importance. Without training in ...
Other meaningless terms today: Free speech, Democracy, Capitalism, Freedom, “I promise”, “You can trust me”, “There’s nothing to worry about”, “Trust Science”, “I’ll never cheat on you…” . “Hollywood is the single most heartless, artless, unfeeling cesspool of sociopathy ...
6. Don't call it brainwashing. The fact that some Trump voters never fell for Q nonsense is a cause for cautious optimism. Rothschild ends the book with a chapter of recommendations for anyone trying to "deprogram" a loved one who fell into QAnon. First and foremost, you need to recog...