This reeks of short-term thinking, only seeing your user base as a financial resource — not your platform's lifeblood. With an area so sensitive as dating, users want to feel trust in their platforms of choice, not like they will be expected to drop more and more money to meet a ...
The narcissist reacts with depression tocriticism or disagreement, especially from a trusted and long-term Source of Narcissistic Supply. He fears the imminent loss of the source and the damage to his own, fragile, mental balance. The narcissist also resents his vulnerability and his extreme depe...
It is a gray and chilly day here in Japan. On Monday my students will walk through the front door of my high school, many of them for the first time. This year, I hope at least a little more than last year, my classroom will be filled with the the kind of respect and teaching t...
Another handy term: "Data Engineering." "MLOps" overlaps with Data Eng, and there's an introductory MLOps section later in this guide. Explore another notebook Next, code along with one or more of these notebooks. Series of notebooks: 2022: rasbt/machine-learning-book— notebooks from Mac...
—Jason Sanford,"Stop the literary vampires from sucking the lifeblood out of readers" Because we have fun doing this! Besides, is there any reason we can't do both? ...The answer, by the way, is "no". That was a rhetorical question. The PPC has a long history, and we have a ...
and emphasize that state-owned capital should be concentrated in important industries related to national security and the lifeblood of the national economy. We will focus on industries that are important to the national economy and people's livelihood, such as the provision of public services, emer...
I feel a weird sense of clarity, kind of like what I felt when I got diagnosed with this cancer last year. Partly it’s that I clearly need to focus on short-term goals: eating (I lost a few pounds in the last month of suspense, and keeping my weight up is important), staying ...
Earlier, both the Greek term techne and the Latin ars referred indiscriminately to both arts and technologies. Now, the poets were to work with words while the engineers worked on steam engines; artists concerned themselves with the non-utilitarian forms of aesthetic experience while technologists ...
That astringency shows up primarily in the palate, however: When you nose a Barbaresco, the full complement of aromatics—vital to the long term stability of the fruit core of any wine—may be on display. Thus, purple flowers, juicy black cherry, licorice, raspberry and cinnamon are the qua...
where q* is formal charge, V is the number of valence electrons, N is the number of lone electrons, and B is the number of bonding electrons. It’s important to keep in mind that the term “lone electrons,”“lone-pair electrons” or “unshared’ electrons refer to valence electrons ...