I have nobody to blame but myself for having put myself inpositionwhere such a question can justly be asked. I must accept thattogether with other reproaches. I can only reply that I have tried totell the truth as I see it, free from constraint of any kind, exceptonly inso far as ...
Short-term memory and the ability to concentrate are also affected. Devoted TikTokers report that they areunable to focus on longer video formatsanymore (let alonereading a book or doing homework!). 50% of users admit that theyfind longer videos “stressful”.The platform has indeedintroducedlon...
He said that by the end of the spring term he would have been studying English for three years. 他说到了春季学期末,他就学了三年英语了。 She told me she’d have been teaching in that university for 20 years by that summer. 她告诉我到那年夏天她在那所大学教书就满20年了。 被动语态: 一...
Light pollution may be a new term to many of us.___,it does affect mankind,other living forms and the environment as___whole.Light pollution is harmful to both animals and human beings.Upon studies,___expose) to bright light at night,animals will become too___anxiety) to perform the...
Bloomberg has introduced a series of rules in his term of office, including bans on smoking in restaurants and parks, a ban on trans fat(反式脂肪) in restaurant food and a requirement for health inspection grades to be posted in restaurant windows.Because of the measures, the mayor was ...
Short-term memory and the ability to concentrate are also affected. Devoted TikTokers report that they areunable to focus on longer video formatsanymore (let alonereading a book or doing homework!). 50% of usersadmitthat theyfind longer videos “stressful”.The platform has indeedintroducedlonger...
Keywords: Criminality, mental illness, personality disorder, blame, liability, moral beliefs, guilt, social morality Introduction The term "psychopath" has been used with a wide variety of different meanings and, no doubt, covers a heterogeneous group of subjects ( Criminal behaviour and mental ...
1) What term (or terms) should be used for rebranding? One source of inspiration for such a rebranding effort can be found in the cable TV industry. Most of us pay a user fee for cable TV and internet services, including a fee for basic monthly service, with up-charges for premium ...
describe/measure/evaluatesth./sb.intermsofsth. 根据……描述/衡量/评价某物/某人 beongood/badterms(withsb.)(与某人)关系好/不好 inthelong/shortterm(注意term是单数形式)从长期/短期来看 incultural/economic/financialterms从文化/经济/财政角度来看 ...
As a newcomer to cross-cultural research a few years ago, I soon became aware of the term “measurement invariance,” which typically is given as a necessary condition for using a psychological measurement instrument, such as a personality inventory, in more than one cultural context[1]. At ...