Telomere alterations and genomic instability in long-term cultures of normal human fibroblasts irradiated with X rays and protons. Telomeres are the end of linear , responsible for stability and cell viability. It is well known that radiations are able to induce instability but it has ... F Be...
Accretion Models for Young Neutron Stars pulsars: long-term monitoring and soft-gamma repeater like X-ray bursts”, in :”Pulsars, AXPs and SGRs observed with BeppoSAX and Other Observatories”... MA Alpar - 《Pulsars Axps & Sgrs Observed with Bepposax & Other Observatories》 被引量: 0发表...
Long-term evolution of spin and other properties of neutron star low-mass X-ray binaries: implications for millisecond X-ray pulsarsdoi:10.1093/mnras/stae2346accretion, accretion discsmethods: numericalbinaries: generalstars: neutronpulsars: general...
Glacier - Provides a low-cost, long-term storage option, intended for archiving data. Import/Export - Accelerates moving large amounts of data into and out of AWS using portable storage devices for transport. Simple Storage Service (S3) - Provides Web Service based storage. Storage Gateway - ...
Abrookis a small, natural stream of fresh water, the term for which is related to the German wordBruch, meaning “marsh.” The nameBrookmay be spelled the same way or include the addition of a finaleto formBrooke. Bill Bill, a common nickname forWilliam, has a number of meanings in ...
Thames Water has decided to stop using the term "aquifer" in its customer communications efforts on drought. A revised Bathing Water Directive was issued by the European Union. A warning was issued by Nick Green of Savills Energy to the farming community about spending their money on wind ...
The shortcutPWtakes one or more search terms and then sends them to the PyMOL Wiki. A browser tab opens for each search term, so multiple searches are run in parallel while you continue your work in PyMOL. You can inspect the results of the searches when there is a natural break in ...
Two types of short-term transient effect have been observed in AlCu alloys containing a small amount of impurity. The transients are thought to reflect the migration of vacancies and vacancy impurity atom pairs respectively in reactions ... AJ Perry,KM Entwistle - 《Philosophical Magazine》 被引量...
A general term that refers to the cellular environment on induction of interferon-stimulated genes, which collectively act to inhibit virus infection. Immunoproteasome A specialized kind of proteasome that is upregulated by interferon. It is distinguished from the constitutive proteasome by different catal...
Previously, the presence of metals in arthropod mandibles has been linked with harder cuticle, and in termites, a 20% increase in hardness has been found for mandibles containing major quantities of zinc. The current study utilises electron microscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray microanalysis to ...