Term - [built-in] A terminal emulator in Emacs. multi-term - Managing multiple terminal buffers in Emacs. vterm - A fully-fledged terminal emulator inside Emacs based on libvterm. Eat - Emulate A Terminal, in a region, in a buffer and in Eshell. exec-path-from-shell - Get environment...
Cool Retro Term - A good looking terminal that mimicks the old cathode display. DBAN - Delete information stored on hard disk drives (HDDs) in PC laptops, desktops or servers. GnomeTerminal - A widely preinstalled terminal emulator in Linux world. Guake - Guake is a top-down terminal for ...
Say how wonderful they are when really they’re saying how wonderful they are for putting up with them. But no-one is bullshitting about Lyra. She was that wonderful. No-one has a bad word to say about her because there is nothing bad to say. She was a tiny genius dynamo and I ...
Hence, we use the term “impact-driven deep tech entrepreneurship,” which points to entrepreneurial activities of a scientific, technical nature aimed at products—and hence markets—that do not yet exist and that not only create economic value but, even more importantly, have a strong impact ...
Step by tiny step, a brave little girl battles brain disease: ; Revolutionary new treatment watched by other familiesElizabeth Leland
Welcome to Dr. Anthony G. Payne's Ⓥ Cerebratorium! Whether you are a true believer, a true disbeliever, or something in-between, you'll likely find food for thought in this, my sharinghouse for ideas, options, novel angles & insights.
Suggested improvement: Reserve the term “self” for discussions of an individual’s essential being that distinguishes them from others. Substitute the term “own” for more limited uses, as in “own esteem,”“own efficacy,”“own perception,” etc. Warning: it is almost certainly much, much...
Up to here I summarized Patricia’s position, and I agree with her. Now, it must be noted that even animal possession is not a two-term relationship (between an individual agent and a thing) but always presupposes a social context. There are possession conflicts because there are individuals...
Needless to say, I lost my tiny little mind with excitement. Here was the cover I’d been longing for—two of them, in fact! Now, to choose. While I loved the font on the all-turquoise cover and liked that you could see more of the car, it was the coral/turquoise ombré shaded ...
In this 2019 quote, he talks about his drug experience and also alludes to meme hazards (though he may not use that term!): Yes, you put it well. It’s risky to subject your brain and body to unusual substances and stimuli, but any new challenge may prove very enlightening–and ...