Dinosaurs likely originated in the Middle Triassic and the first unequivocal dinosaur fossils are known from the late Carnian. The main environmental changes that occurred at the very end of the Triassic period paved the way for the early radiation and increased abundance of dinosaurs. Two main mo...
“Very low carbohydrate-high protein diets also have beneficial effects on weight control and some cardiovascular risk factors (not LDL-cholesterol) in the short term, but are associated with increased mortality in long term cohort studies [156],” and “The lowest level of postprandial glycemia ...
For groundbreaking research in nanoscale engineering. Paula Hammond pioneered novel materials that have revolutionized how we deliver cancer drugs to cancer patients and how we store solar energy. An inventor and mentor, Paula has paved the way for a more diverse, inclusive scientific workforce that ...
During the fourth China Beijing Hightech Industries Week, exhibitions, feature presentations, technological exchanges and trade talks, and other events are organized. Exhibitions: China International Exhibition Center Section for China's Key Science and Technology Achievements of the Ninth FiveYear Plan(19...
Even so, environmentally induced variation is such that understanding the mechanisms underlying plasticity has moved to centre stage of current research. The term 'plasticity' refers to the changeable character of matter. It is used in physics for inanimate materials and in that field it is ...
That was exactly what happened inPresident Trump’s first term. And that was only one salvo in the trade war. It began with a squabble over long-standing European government subsidies to European aerospace companies which put American companies such as Boeing at an unfair disadvantage. Where that...
For city planners in arid zones, this study supports integrating more greenery into urban landscapes. Prioritizing native or drought-resistant tree species can bolster resilience and long-term benefits. On the other hand, cities in more humid climates should weigh the relative advantages of different...
Welcome to Dr. Anthony G. Payne's Ⓥ Cerebratorium! Whether you are a true believer, a true disbeliever, or something in-between, you'll likely find food for thought in this, my sharinghouse for ideas, options, novel angles & insights.
Now, two of them dropped for medical reasons and went home for the remainder of the term. One dropped one third of the way through the course because he was failing and decided he didn’t need the class for his minor and saw no reason to get a low grade when it was unnecessary. A...
Today we use the term, “self-transcendence,” in a more general sense, wondering if we could become tomorrow, in some way, better, stronger, happier, and more productive than we are today. American Transcendentalism was a 19thcentury philosophical movement which included authors such as Ralph ...