So far our product lines range from stylus to home décor and kitchen supplies with long term & reliable supplier and professional brand service team. We will keep developing high-quality products and hope we could be one of your choices! ACTIVE & PASSIVE STYLUS Visit the Store PASSIVE ...
The distinctive features with respect to the closest prior art are notifying all ordering users within a delivery range in batch rather than notifying them one by one and accordingly different specific notification implementations such as different data architectures and communication methods. The feature ...
Cash in advance (CIA), or payment in advance, is a rather general term that may imply that the payment is due after the order is placed but before the goods are shipped. This can also be known as cash before shipment, although that is a less popular term. On the other hand, cash i...
Add option to map task reminders as absolute DATE-TIME value, needed for IOS, feature request 105. Add Brazilian portuguese translations. Thanks to Flávio Zarur Lucarelli! Bug fixes Ignore empty PHOTO properties in vCards. Fall back to short-term ENTRYID if long-term is not available in ...
It is a written term initially applied in the legal field. However, it has been brought into spoken language as well now.(告诫这个词直接取自拉丁语,意思是协议中的限制和警告。这是一个最初用于法律领域的书面术语。然而,它现在也被带入了口语。)”可知,rendezvous最初是军事用语,现在也能用于日常...
Term - [built-in] A terminal emulator in Emacs. multi-term - Managing multiple terminal buffers in Emacs. vterm - A fully-fledged terminal emulator inside Emacs based on libvterm. Eat - Emulate A Terminal, in a region, in a buffer and in Eshell. exec-path-from-shell - Get environment...
recursive path orderingclosure orderingtransitivitystrict inclusiontotalitystabilityThis paper studies three orderings, useful in theorem proving, especially for proving termination of term rewriting systems: the recursive decomposition ordering with status, the recursive path ordering with status and the ...
It turns into a textual site for productions of subtle differences: it repeats European discourses, it tries to mimic European rhetoric, or it becomes the term for a different eloquence that is not quite European.Footnote 41 Starting with enslaved people, the Black harangue emerges, like their ...
Slovak businessman Marian Kocner, accused of ordering and carrying out the murders of investigative journalist Jan Kuciak and his fiancee Martina Kusnirova, walks inside the courtroom to receive his verdict in Pezinok, Slovakia September 3, 2020. REUTERS/Radovan Stoklasa PEZI...
Along the way I got to learn the term “hardscape”, which means “expensive” in colloquial English. The total bill for moving the fence, adding a new span of fence to bridge the gap, leveling and paving the space, using the nicer polymeric sand, and adding the curved profile we asked...